Need advice for blood on ostomy bag from skin irritation

Aug 29, 2022 2:25 am

I'm a new ostomate and have been struggling in keeping my skin irritation and blisters at bay. I've had some lucky streaks before where skin irritation was controlled, but as my stoma grows smaller (doc says it's normal as inflammation goes away), I had to make the hole in the flange smaller too (used to be 40mm, now it's 35mm). But my problem now is that the skin around the stoma is irritated and even bled once. I have nasty blisters now. I tried accessories like stoma powder and am experimenting between paste and clay ring. What's your best advice on this? Thanks!

Aug 29, 2022 2:37 am

Blisters aren't good. Do you have an ostomy nurse to contact? You may have more going on, like allergic reactions, than just your stoma healing.

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Past Member
Aug 29, 2022 4:43 am

Bob has done some trials with different products. Try searching in the forum for "weepy skin". I think others have also posted about their solutions.

For me, a product called DuoDerm always works well until the skin heals and then I can go back to my regular setup.

Past Member
Aug 29, 2022 4:47 am

Also, if you can, change your setup more frequently until your stoma size stabilizes. You'll have less waste sitting against the skin, which will help heal too.

Aug 29, 2022 7:24 am

Hello Rexlor.

Thanks for sharing your problems as it gives us an opportunity to reflect upon those early days of coping and managing a stoma without the benefit of experience and hindsight.

I'm pleased to see that you have already had some useful replies, so I won't repeat what has already been said.

There are several possible reasons for bleeding at the edge of the stoma and each one of these needs investigating and dealing with slightly differently.

1) Any slight touch with a relatively sharp edge of the wafer can cause bleeding. This can easily be rectified by cutting the wafer to the ‘right' size'.

2) Blisters and irritation of the skin might indicate an allergy, which also needs investigating.
This can cause bleeding and is unlikely to rectify itself if you don't identify the cause and rectify the problem. As has been said previously, Bob's past posts have been invaluable in this regard. Hopefully, Bob might chip in on this post and reiterate what he has found out so far.

3) I found that the Salts Healthcare ‘Demacol' stoma collars were very good at protecting the stoma and the skin. However, they need to be a snug fit, so before you ask for samples, you need to know the diameter of your stoma.

4) I tried paste but could not get on with it as it's so messy and unmanageable – or maybe that's just me! I also tried the rings, which were much better but still did not achieve what I required.

5) Eventually I made my own bespoke base plates to suit my own particular circumstances and stuck the manufactured devices to them. Since then, I have had no more allergies or bleeding.

I do hope you manage to find a solution soon, as these things just make it harder to appreciate the benefits of having a stoma.

Best wishes,


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Aug 29, 2022 11:00 am
Reply to AlexT

I have no ostomy nurse to contact, but I will need to contact the surgeon for this. Thanks for the advice!

Aug 29, 2022 11:01 am
Reply to Anonymous

Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely look for the topic "weepy skin" in the forum. I'll also check Duoderm on Google and see if this is available in my country. Thanks again!

Homie With A Stomie NS
Aug 29, 2022 11:48 am

Morning Rexlor.... Rings have been my saving grace..... The secret to the ring is it has to be right around the stoma, no gaps, butt up against it all around, and make sure it's not a thin ring as they break down quickly... If possible, give the area a good clean and allow your skin a 15-minute break in the air.... Many ways to do this without a huge mess!!!!

I wear a one-piece setup....

Clean real well, including underneath, with warm soapy water. Rinse and repeat.... Dry the area real well, use a blow dryer to be sure.... Apply the ring right around the stoma, then apply the appliance....

Here's to fast healing and comfort.


Aug 30, 2022 2:53 am
Reply to Anonymous

Thanks for the advice! I'm changing the bag once every 2 days from my usual 3-4 day schedule. I've also tried air drying it with a handheld fan for 30 minutes.

Aug 30, 2022 2:55 am
Reply to Bill

Thanks, Bill! I'll keep your suggestions in mind!

Aug 30, 2022 2:59 am
Reply to Homie With A Stomie NS

Thanks Tracy! As advised, I've air-dried my stoma for 30 minutes using a handheld fan. The skin looks better afterwards. I tried a Hollister clay ring, but it still leaks as my surgeon has not removed the stitches. So there are still gaps. I'm using paste now, but it is a bit messy. I'll try using both the ring and a little paste to fill the gaps. Thanks!

Sep 03, 2022 4:02 am

I've had a lot of problems with bad irritation on the bottom of my stoma. I don't have any blisters, but there is a bumpy ridge. What I started doing was whenever I change my bag, I sanitize the area and then I lay down and put Neosporin all around the base of my stoma. I lay there for 45 minutes to an hour, and then I go take a shower and wash the area very well, and I make sure there's no Neosporin residue. It has really helped. Also, if it does flare up and start hurting, I rinse my bag and I pour a little chloraseptic in there. Knocks out the pain and it's antiseptic.