First Day Back at Work - Tired but Hopeful

Nov 01, 2010 3:28 am

Returned back to work today for 4 hours. Was tired after that. Do caregiving. Was a bit nervous to start with but hope the nerves go. The bag was quiet the whole morning which was good. That was my main concern.

Nov 01, 2010 5:01 am

Always a big concern, isn't it? Nothing like farting in front of strangers. To me, going to work meant I was "normal".
You're smart doing 4 hrs as a gradual return. I'm guessing you really enjoy your job, which makes it a little easier returning to the workforce.
Cheers, Bob

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ron in mich
Nov 01, 2010 2:45 pm

Hi there, there's nothing like getting back in the swing of going to work and coming home and getting into that routine. It seemed like it was a relief for everyone in my family, but very exhausting that first week. Ron in Mich.

Nov 01, 2010 4:09 pm

I really admire the three of you who have returned to work. All I do is think about it and cruise the ads on the Internet - well, I have applied for a couple of jobs - one several months after my colostomy, but it was at the VA and they hired someone internally. I so wish I had gotten that job! It would have made me get back in the swing of things.

The longer I wait, the harder it is to give up my "freedom" and the fear plays a role.

Nov 02, 2010 1:31 am

I'm retired now, but when I returned to work against the surgeon's advice, I herniated my stoma. The doc had put a 10lb lifting/pulling limit on me. I worked as a millwright in a papermill, and should have known better. I even went back after the hernia operation, but only worked 2 more years after that. Loving being retired.
Cheers, Bob


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Nov 02, 2010 5:57 pm

I'm looking forward to retiring for a while - have been mostly self-employed - dealing
with the public. That's my job, but I find that the average person is very demanding and, like everybody else, is in a hurry. I'm looking for something else to do that will give me creativity so I won't be bored. I can never depend on this ileo because I never know when it will burst. Every time I figure out how long I can go wearing it, something happens "surprise surprise" and I am back to square 1. What did I eat? Was I stressed? Or did I just do too much physical work? I just wonder, will the ileo adjust to me eventually or will this be ongoing? Doctors and nurses I have talked with have no real answer. It's really a shame because there are so many of us out there who are looking for answers. Butterfly61

Nov 02, 2010 8:01 pm

Congratulations on working again. One good thing that happened with me was I semi-retired after the surgery. I was a full-time bricklayer and owner but after, my son took over the outside work and I just do the bidding and paperwork now. They don't even want me on the job site very long and the business is doing well because my son really stepped up. One of those [mysterious ways] things I guess.

ok girl
Nov 03, 2010 2:41 pm

I had my job for 10 years before I got sick and it took about a year for me to get back on my feet, so they had to replace me. At age 72, it is very hard to find a job, but I have sold Avon for 20 years and so have a little income. Then, I was lucky enough to find a job 2 days a week in a phone answering company and on Saturdays in a flea market, so I am very lucky at my age to even find a job.
I can tell you that I loved the caregivers that took care of me and looked forward to their coming every day.
You are a lifesaver in yourself. Keep up the great work. Deanna in OK.

Nov 04, 2010 12:59 am

Hi, OK girl.
I had home help when I was sick. She was great. It was a big help. I do enjoy it.

Nov 04, 2010 10:07 am

Hey B.F. Try barrier ring and extended wear ostomy products. I had problems but kept getting samples of stuff until I found what worked for me. Also, try using a soap that does not have any lotion in it or just use hot water to clean around your stoma, and don't use any barrier wipes and see if you have better luck. These things worked for me, you may find them useful! Good luck.

Past Member
Nov 10, 2010 4:08 pm

Hello, that's the first time I've heard about the 10lb limit on lifting and a 17kg collie pulling on the lead can't have done me a lot of good, hence the hernia?!!

Nov 10, 2010 5:48 pm
My husband went back to work approximately 4 weeks after his surgery. He had a nasty infection and a bout with Norwalk virus before finally starting his true recovery. Once he was back to work, a few uninformed co-workers approached him and were like "Wow, nice to see you back! You must have really enjoyed your holiday - where did you go?" Lol, it's a massive company so that would explain their innocent ignorance of the situation. Tyler always had a little bit of fun when he'd get to reply, "Well, I had a total colectomy, meaning I'm missing half of my guts. How have you been?" =P He told me their smiles would disappear, and the color would drain from their faces before they managed a, "'m so sorry to hear that..." before walking away sheepishly.

It was wonderful though to see the support he received from his HR department and his immediate superiors. While he was in the hospital, I was constantly in contact with an HR representative, telling her all that was happening and whatnot. All of the management figures at Tyler's work were extremely understanding, supportive, and sincere in their well wishes during our difficult time. They even had a courier deliver a little care package full of colored pencils and sketch paper for Tyler when he was stuck in the hospital, waiting for his medications to start working! How sweet it was of them, don't you agree?

So yes, returning to work is generally a good thing for people once they are fully capable of taking on the job. I know that in Tyler's case, it was a great thing to get to see all of the people who were so concerned for him, and get reacquainted with his autonomy in a field that he loves.
Nov 20, 2010 4:46 am

Hi there, I returned back to work 9 weeks after my end ileostomy and I have just finished my 1st week. I am absolutely knackered and wish I had listened to my doctor and stoma nurse and waited until after Christmas. But hey, I needed money for Christmas for my grandkids. Sick pay in the UK is rubbish, can hardly make ends meet, but needs must be.
Cheers, X X X