Foamy Output - How to Deal?

Mar 04, 2011 7:19 am

As many of you know, I have been home on rest fighting tooth and nail this latest Crohn's flare. I have been feeling better and better every day. I have finally hit the 3-digit mark in my weight and the appetite is coming back, with some crazy cravings. I blame the devil's drug on that one.

However, this past week my guts have been rather loud with gurgling, but the thing that is getting on my nerves is my output is SOOOO FOAMY! Like the head of a cold glass of beer. This is causing me to have to drain at least 4-5 times in an hour. How is one supposed to get rest with all this running back and forth to the bathroom to empty?

I am taking an Imodium AND a Buscopan prior to eating, but that only helps with the pain and cramps, settles the guts. Anyone else have this foamy output? How do you deal with it? Any suggestions? I'll try them.... This is really driving me insane, especially through the night when I wake with a full bag of foam and air and HOPE I make it in time and there isn't an explosion or leakage.

Thanks for the input on the output situation.


Mar 04, 2011 8:18 am

No suggestions but I feel for you. I am fed up with having to wake up once a night!

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Mar 04, 2011 1:25 pm

Once a night? I only wish... that hasn't happened in weeks! No wonder I get no sleep.

Mar 04, 2011 1:49 pm

I've mentioned this before, but my technique for emptying the bag at night is to just get out of bed and empty the bag. If I lay in bed thinking about whether or not I need to empty it, my brain will click on and I'll never get back to sleep.

Regarding your problem with foamy output, I have experienced that occasionally. It usually occurs when I haven't eaten much, and I guess the peristaltic action of the small intestine is still working, but since there's nothing solid to expel, only a little gas and liquid come out as foam. I would guess that's what's going on with you. Try eating foods that produce a more formed output like bananas, applesauce, or rice.

Mar 04, 2011 5:42 pm

I've taken your advice, PJ. I used to lay there and think about it and say, "Damn, could have been done by now." LOL. Now I just do it. So much easier. Thanks.


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Mar 04, 2011 5:47 pm

I've taken your advice, PJ. I used to lay there and think about it and say, "Damn, could have been done by now." LOL. Now I just do it. So much easier. Thanks.

Mar 04, 2011 5:55 pm

I have to admit, I too have tried the "Do I NEED to really empty now" contemplating deal myself. I think I try to convince myself if I just let it go, I'll stop filling....NOT! So yes, now I just get up, do it, and get back to bed a.s.a.p. and right back to sleep. I just hate that I'm up 4-5 times a night. I would love to have a night of uninterrupted sleep for a change.

I will try the banana bedtime snack tonight to try and firm things up a bit tonight.


Mar 04, 2011 8:44 pm


Are you eating enough and what about any meds that you are on? I have always found the meds to be the major cause of any irregularity. Make sure you keep your fluid intake high.


Mar 04, 2011 10:01 pm

Although I realize your foam situation is not to be taken lightly, I am sure it is a terrible nuisance.

I can't help myself. You might consider an eye check, using the Gillette Foamy shaving cream
instead of the can that says Whipping Cream, for your toppings might help.

Again, I realize your eyes are probably like an eagle. Just kidding about the Gillette, please don't take it seriously.

Mar 05, 2011 1:47 am

Steadychic - That's funny that we do the same thing regarding emptying the bag at night. Even though I'm sometimes so tired and have no desire to get up, I still do it and get it over with. Usually, I'm back to sleep in a few minutes. But I do savor those rare nights when I don't have to get up at all.

Mar 05, 2011 7:54 am

Hi budd002, I agree with what PJT was saying... I have that foamy thing happen on occasion, usually it is when I don't have enough food in my stomach... My personal little 'cures' over my 34 years of having an ostomy are applesauce, oatmeal, or cream of wheat... Bye bye foam. Everyone is different, but I hope it helps you, dear.

... Rick's Gillette foamy statement cracks me up lol... Now that's stuck in my head and I will giggle every time I have foam from this day forward lmao.

Past Member
Jun 30, 2022 5:40 pm
Reply to steadychic

I too took note of the post and followed the advice...

Nov 23, 2022 2:30 am
Reply to PJT

Same thing happens to me, have to eat something in the am, if I skip breakfast... that damn yellow foam and belly ache occurs!

Past Member
Oct 13, 2024 9:46 am


I am having foaming issues too. Only 10 weeks with an ileostomy.