Help with Managing a New Ostomy Bag with Young Kids

Jun 03, 2011 3:54 am

So I love my kids dearly, but they will always find the "Bag," as they say. Now, I have a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old. I would like to go swimming with them and go to the beach too. The problem that I am having is this bag. I am new with it, but all I do is play with it. I am now using a one-piece, and I am not leaking out as much. And sleeping just is not happening. What am I doing wrong? I think I need help.

Past Member
Jun 03, 2011 12:16 pm

Hello icejazz,
I read your profile, but it doesn't say whether you have an ileo or colostomy, so I don't know if I have the right info for you. I have an ileo, and for swimming, I use a smaller closed-end pouch, 2-piece system. I carry extra bags to discard any possible output. I don't wear bikinis and try to use dark-colored suits as they redirect your eyes. I usually wear a t-shirt or cover-up out of the water, and I would think that a man's suit would be even more concealing just by their very design. If you have a colostomy and irrigate, you shouldn't have a problem at all. When I'm in a warm climate such as the beach, or anywhere hot, my output is almost nothing, even with an ileo. Hydration is important, but in public, I'm careful to avoid carbonated drinks or use "Beano or GasX" to avoid those sounds we all dread. LOL There's nothing you can't do with a little preparation. I wish you great luck and exceptional fun!!!

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Jun 03, 2011 3:13 pm
When I started wering the bag (ileo), I also played a lot with it just to make sure it was on securely. I also had problems sleeping because I could not roll around like I used to and because I was anxious about leakage. In time you will stop focusing on the bag continually, and your sleep will improve. I use a high output bag so I do not worry about it filling up and exploding while I am sleeping. My doctor gave me sleeping pills to get me through the first 90 days. As time passed, I would break them in half reducing my dependency on them completely. Be patient and you will take the quality of your life up "another notch" as Emeril likes to say.
Jun 09, 2011 3:55 pm

I always let a little leak out and float to the top. It gives you that needed opportunity to swim alone for a while. HAHAHAHA. Buddy, I also use a two-piece and use the space stripes to cover any skin around the stoma. This way you have a tight seal. You will be fine. And if something happens just yell fire and when they all look, get out of the water and blame one of the kids. Have a great summer.