Finally feeling healthy after surgery!

Aug 04, 2011 6:53 am

I can't believe it, I woke up yesterday and felt different, I realized I felt healthy!!!! It's been so long.

I saw the stoma nurse yesterday who checked me out and other than a tiny little bit where my stitches were which gets sore, I've healed up really well. My other little wounds are fading nicely now and I'm putting bio-oil on which is meant to help scars fade.

I then drove (can't believe I can drive now) to town and met a friend for lunch and then took myself off to buy a new dress. I just can't believe for the first time in months I went out feeling healthy, doing normal things, not really thinking about the fact I had my little friend with me and that I was wearing my new accessory. What was really nice was when I walked into the cafe my friend was there and the first thing she said was how well I looked, I then sat down with a rather scrummy sandwich and she commented on how good it was to see me with food. It made me feel so good. I was really tired when I got in and had an early night but had such a good day.

Anyway, enough rambling, just wanted to put down that I was feeling more positive now and that hopefully anyone reading this who is new, or not long had their op will know that things do get better and that feeling low gets less and less.

Take care, best wishes to all

Mrs O

Aug 04, 2011 9:53 am
What a lovely story to star the day. Thanks for sharing.Best wishes Bill
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Past Member
Aug 04, 2011 10:52 am

Now, that's what I'm talking about! Wha-Hoo!! I'm so-o-o happy for you, buddy. May every day bring you more energy, less and less pain, and increase your endless zest for life. It's your time, or as my granddaughter says, "That's the way we roll!"... LOL. Blessings for your continued good health, BEG.

Aug 04, 2011 1:53 pm

That's great, Mrs. O. LOL! You've only been out of the hospital for 3 weeks. I promise you will get better and stronger. The thing is, time is a healer and you have a little further to go. I felt so much better my first time after 6 weeks, then I thought, "Hey, day by day, not week by week." So, darlz, we all have been there, done that, and welcome to our crazy little community. I hope you pop in for a chat. Feel free to send me any questions and I will honestly and openly answer anything you want to ask. I've been through this 8 times. We all have our stories, so don't feel alone too much. Cheers and all the best, Mooza. Australia x

Aug 04, 2011 7:02 pm

It's all about to get even better with each passing day... This is what they never tell us about, but the gift of health, which we all have forgotten how that felt (due to being sick for so long, all of us), starts to come back into our lives and magic starts to happen... This is the beauty of the Ostomy. Enjoy it all. So glad to hear it though.

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Past Member
Aug 04, 2011 11:39 pm

Great news Mrs. O! I know the feeling well... Only this morning I was up at 6 in my vegetable garden and enjoying the dawn chorus. I just thought to myself how lucky I am to be here today and enjoying life. What a wonderful feeling it was. I know everyone here has a different story to tell and at varying stages of recovery. But please let this bring you some comfort that your day will come and you'll be feeling better soon. I didn't expect to be able to write this ever, but here I am. Better days ahead! Take good care, Colm

Past Member
Aug 08, 2011 3:22 am

I totally agree! This site is great to help us when we are down or things aren't going well, but what a relief to hear some really great news from someone in almost the same boat as me. I am 7 weeks post-surgery and about to travel back to the north of Western Australia (a bit isolated) as I was with my mum for my recovery. I can't wait to start walking my dog and getting stronger and even going back to work! All those things healthy people can take for granted! Oh yes, and I never get tired of hearing how well I look. Certainly is better than the pity stares I would get as I flaked out in a chair or on the couch! So happy for you, it will only get better! - Carly

Aug 08, 2011 11:15 pm

Thanks for sharing the good news.