Well everyone, I'm home recuperating from my fourth surgery in six months and had my ileostomy reversed. I was really nervous about this surgery because every time before that I went in to surgery, I came out disappointed. My first surgery in September was to remove the damaged colon done laparoscopically without a colostomy. I came home after three days and on the fifth day, I ended up back in the hospital for emergency surgery as it had erupted. I ended up with a colostomy. In February, I went in for surgery to reverse the colostomy and I came out with a temporary ileostomy. This time the ileostomy is reversed and so far no bags so I'm hopeful that this is the last of my surgeries. I must say that given the choice of a colostomy versus an ileostomy, I would take the colostomy. The ileostomy bag needs to be cleaned and emptied so much more often and is more uncomfortable. I do realize that these bags were necessary and saved my life. I feel weird not having a bag anymore as I had finally gotten somewhat used to it. What I want to say is that this site helped me understand and deal with a difficult time in my life and all of you have been wonderful with your advice and tips. I am a different person from what I have experienced and have a much greater appreciation of what people go through when they have illness and disabilities. I also know that illness makes us stronger and more resilient to the everyday annoyances of life. All little things seem less important after experiencing the serious things that can happen to one's body. I'm still trying to get regular as I go back and forth between the runs and constipation. This is normal and hopefully, my body will adjust. I have pain where the incision site is but am managing well otherwise. I hope to go back to work in four weeks. I now know that I'm stronger than I ever knew I was and that I could live and adjust to anything. Life is good and appreciate every day, no matter how much your body fights you. Mary Jayne
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Resuming your personal and work life after ostomy surgery can be challenging to adjust to a new life.
Learn ways to adjust to life after ostomy surgery.
Learn ways to adjust to life after ostomy surgery.
Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.