Slept until 0300hrs, because my DSW puts me to bed each night at 1830hrs and I watch a bit of TV or wait for Bubbles to get active, but all was quiet last night. That means plenty of preparation today to avoid a blockade, must not wait longer than 48hrs to get my colostomy pouch changed. When you're wheelchair-dependent, your body is slack and needs daily stimulation and laxatives. Would love to find someone in a similar position to share life events. Looking forward to going to the cinemas and seeing a movie which makes me laugh and feel relaxed. Bummer that no one is around to enjoy it with me. Will check online later this morning what's playing, feeling romantic at heart today. Just watched GMA and now it's GMAustralia. Will have some fruits for breakfast and a small thermos of coffee, which gets prepared each evening for me. My life is pretty organized by my DSW (Disability Support Worker); hopefully, if I'm lucky, I may meet someone interested here one time who looks past all my shortcomings. To my Melbourne ostomates, a good morning and to all of you over the miles, a good sleep or late afternoon, whatever applies.

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First off, this is a pretty cool site with 38,659 members.
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As a student, there are easy ways you can prepare ahead and manage an ostomy while you are at school.
Read answers to frequently asked questions about how to change your pouch and participate in activities.
Read answers to frequently asked questions about how to change your pouch and participate in activities.
Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.