Rectal stump bleeding in Crohn's with ileostomy


I've had an ileostomy for 18 years. I've had some discharge from the rectal stump, but now it's red blood. I have Crohn's. Does anyone have experience with this? I hate going to the doctor. Ugh.


Hi..... get to the dr. because I had blood coming from rectum before my 2nd surgery but it was hernia around the stoma full of blood, that's what the dr. said after. I had ileostomy 10 years. Just got a perm. ileostomy in February. Feeling good now. Back to work. Enjoying life now.
Keep in touch, okay.

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I had the same problem. Crohn's for 17 years. Permanent ileostomy 5 years ago. I developed fistulas. Which caused pain, infections, and bleeding. I had my rectum and anus removed in Sept 2010 and am still recovering from that. All but one of the fistulas was removed. And I rarely get infections or drainage now. Apparently, they are very hard to see, thus difficult to remove. Good luck, dear. Definitely see a colo-rectal surgeon as soon as possible.



Are you sure that it is a discharge from the stump? Perhaps you have a hemorrhoid. This would cause some blood to appear especially after you've had a mucus discharge earlier.



Hi everyone, glad to hear that I don't suffer this on my own. I have had my ileo for 6.5 years and at the moment the discharge is bad, yellow and very offensive. I am thinking I must have an infection. Has anyone else faced this? Also, it seems to be very acidic and burning my butt???

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Hi... One very good reason for seeing your doctor on a regular basis is to make certain you have no rectal cancer.... and having the rectal stump removed, if you are not going to use it for a J-pouch reconnection, is a sure way of avoiding some pretty nasty complications such as fissures, abscesses, and rectal cancer which can be well on its way to taking your life before it is detected. I had the rectal stump removed, thus eliminating the stump colitis and discharge, the possibilities of fissures, and eliminating the threat of cancer.
It's nice not to have these issues on my mind, and it took only 8 weeks to heal from the rectal surgery.... Best of luck.

Please get to a doctor -- don't put it off!   Any change in bowel habits is a signal that should not be ignored, especially with any history of a chronic inflammatory disease, which puts you at a higher risk for cancer.

My longtime assistant was recently diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with these same symptoms (but she had no ostomy).   

FYI I am a former CWOCN.   My advice for anyone facing ostomy surgery: Do some research and find a great surgeon with lots of experience doing the procedure you need.   It is worth traveling for, even if it is very inconvenient.   You can get a free online second opinion from the folks at the Cleveland Clinic.   Do it now, please!

I've had my ileostomy for 45+ years, but didn't have the rectum or anus removed until 4 years after the initial surgery. I still needed medication, the area never healed. There was always a degree of disease present, and so I had foul discharges and sometimes blood. Besides oral meds, I had to use different types of meds for enemas. It wasn't pretty, and after four years of pleading with my parents and doctors, they finally agreed to let me have the final surgery. Their objections were that it would leave me no options in the future, when "hook-ups" or the "J-pouch" would be an option. But at 19, I knew my own mind, and have never regretted the decision. I did have some damage to the bladder, unfortunately, and have lived ever since with no sensation. I do have control, so I didn't need further surgery, but I have to time remember to "pee". I've had an active, full life, married, had children, and have never let the ostomy or the removal of the rectum get in the way. I've been lucky that I haven't had complications, as many people do. Good luck with your decision. Look for a good doctor, and do your research before.

As others have said ... off to the doctor's you go!

I have rectal stump discharge and bleeding ... greater bleeding sessions over the last few months.

Your doc may give you Cortifoam or Salofalk suppositories to try to bring down the inflammation (if that is what is causing the bleeding). For me, those helped when the bleeding was very minor.

I was told that as the rectal stump gets older, the membrane gets thinner (it's not in use - no stool passing to keep the area healthy) and then bleeding can occur.

As Scotiaman explained to me (and I did follow-up reading) - the rectal stump has a lot of blood flow/blood circulation (for such a little area). If anything bad happens there (like cancer) it could run through the body pretty fast.

Guess who's having their stump removed .

All the best and let us know what your doctor says ... BTW, most GPs don't really have a clue about ostomy/rectal issues ... do you have a specialist?

Edit to add: there is colon/rectal cancer in my family -- which is why I don't want to go on with this troublesome stump.

Hi Janee, sorry to hear of your problem. I've had my ileostomy for 5 years now, and up until about a year ago, I did get horrible yellowish and foul-smelling discharge, whereby I had to wear pads. Now it is just clear mucus but painful at times as the pressure builds up.
They fitted me with a catheter and drainage bag for 6 months also, but I will not have any more surgery, just keep what I've got.


I have been having a lot of lower abdominal pain and pressure. It is only partially relieved when I expel mucousy discharge, which is yellowish and very foul smelling. I have had my ileostomy for over 11 years. The amount of discharge has increased substantially as of late, as has the abdominal pain. Anyone out there with any suggestions?
