
Oct 16, 2015 10:26 pm

My first big milestone today. I had surgery in September and have been afraid to leave the house. Not only did I go shopping today, but I emptied my pouch in a public restroom. This was huge for me in regards to regaining a normal life. I had my little kit with me, so that helped. I love to hear from others who have this fear.

Oct 17, 2015 7:16 am
Hello cancernomore. Thanks for your post as it is a useful reminder of those very early days when these sorts of worries linger in the back of our minds until we get out there and put them to rest. I suppose it is like any other learning process in that we tend to be cautious and a little afraid of those first steps until we have made them and come out on the other side refreshed and energised with the new experience. As you say it is a 'milestone' and may there be many more positive ones in your journey into the future. Best wishes Bill
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ron in mich
Oct 17, 2015 7:48 pm

Hi CancerNoMore, when I had my initial surgery, I only left my house to walk in the yard, but my surgeon cautioned me to not overdo it but also to set goals each week, to walk a little more or try to eat more as I was only able to eat small meals of low residue foods. So, I was pretty happy the first time I was able to go shopping with my wife.

Oct 19, 2015 5:18 pm

That's such a big thing for us. I'm still afraid to leave the house without my husband. I don't know what I think he'd do, but it's security. I have always been a strong, independent woman and want that back.

Oct 21, 2015 9:20 am

Cancernomore!! Well done, I had the same fears on my first outing. I always have a carry bag with me which contains a full set of everything I need for a change if necessary, wipes, cleaners, waste bags, appliance, etc., as though I was home, also some briefs if required. Stay strong. Good luck. Rob.


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Oct 22, 2015 2:58 pm

Thanks, Aus Rob, I convinced my husband I needed a bigger purse. May go to a backpack.

Oct 23, 2015 10:26 pm

Yay and great for you, Cancernomore!! This is the first step and there will be many more you will accomplish. You'll see. I was a bit nervous going back to work and how things would work out in the restroom then. Many years later, I don't worry much but do have days when I would rather go home and have a shower, then change my complete appliance at the job. I keep a very small purse with just my supplies and very few other things. If I got a bigger purse, it would get filled with too much and become heavy to carry. I like to keep it simple when possible.

Oct 24, 2015 12:35 am

Dear Mrs. A,
Still trying to figure this whole thing out. It helps to hear from you. I'm not at the point where I can change the complete appliance, just the bag. My husband does the rest. I know I've got to start learning. I feel I'd be in the public bathroom for an hour. I'm only 2 months out, so I am trying to take this in steps.

Nov 03, 2015 12:37 pm
you bet that is a big deal. You will see that the prison life to a bathroom is over. Pack your kit of supplies. Keep it in your purse and go explore the world. Before you know it, you may be on a plane heading to France!!! You are free!!!!!
Nov 03, 2015 3:24 pm

Dear Kruzer,
Thank you. Right now, I feel like a ball and chain tie me to the bathroom. I've gone back to yoga, and that's a big step. I want to go back to swimming but don't want to wear a stealth belt. I'll get the nerve.
I appreciate your advice.

Nov 03, 2015 10:29 pm
Well Carol you will be a pro soon enough, then there will be no stopping you!
Nov 04, 2015 1:55 am

Picture frame your wafer with waterproof tape and get in the pool!