Hello folks. These last couple of days have been full of activity. Home health care nurses have been by to assess. Got out of the house to get my T3... What an adventure, and what a garbage system. Insurance really is not an assurance of anything, huh? Paying better attention to my ring seal, emptying times, and such things. No blowouts. Hallelujah!
Feeling more confident and less worthless about everything. Curious how performance determines self-worth. I'm looking at the relationship there. Picked up a new mattress cover. 90 freaking dollars!? What? But it does the job. Relationships... So freaking complicated. Staying in the ex-fiancé's place, she's still got a dude (for another 3 weeks before the bed gets transferred), but she's talking reconciliation with me... I'm batshit confused, thought we were working towards something and then found out I'm the side guy until the other dude leaves, then my turn... I'm like??? But she "loves me" and I just happened to reenter her life while she was living life. I don't know. I think I'm just gonna stay friends and move on. This shit confused me and hurts my heart. I gotta figure me out before I do anything else. I wasn't really planning to live beyond the first surgery, but I found hope because she was there. I'm glad she was, I lived.

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