Magnesium & Vitamin B

Oct 01, 2023 7:43 pm

For those of you with no colon (or if you know the answer), what are the most soluble forms of Magnesium and Vitamin B one can take? I need them for helping prevent migraines. My neuro team has switched me over to mostly infusions/injections for preventing migraines because they don’t think I’m absorbing the oral meds well. But these are 2 I need to be taking on a daily basis. Thanks!


(please no suggestions on different migraine meds- I have tried a completely a holistic route in the past and now am being treated with the latest therapies available in the US. If you’ve heard of it there is 99.9999% chance I’ve tried it in the past)

Oct 01, 2023 8:22 pm

Hi Jodie,  I'm no expert on absorption, but I know magnesium comes in powder form (I used to take it that way) and you just mix it with water.  It would seem to make sense that it would be absorbed quickly this way.  Don't know about vitamin B.


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Charleston man
Oct 01, 2023 8:25 pm

Hi crappycolon

I was told by my Family Doctor that any oral meds that took or even supplements that if they didn’t dissolve within 30 minutes then they weren’t doing their job he also told to put them in a glass of water and if within 30 minutes if they dissolved they would be able to do their job. I’ve had my ileostomy 13 years and my colon has been completely removed. 
Charleston man 

Oct 01, 2023 9:22 pm
Reply to TerryLT

How’d that stuff taste Terry? I’ve been super picky about taste/texture with the whole food aversion thing. 

Oct 01, 2023 10:42 pm

There was a post about B12 not long ago.

My wife goes to the pharmacy every couple month to get a shot.


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Oct 01, 2023 10:57 pm
Reply to xnine

I give myself shots right now once a month but I don’t think it helps much with migraine prevention that way. I usually have more energy for a day or 2 after I give myself a shot but not much beyond that. 

Oct 02, 2023 8:53 am

Hi Jodie 

I have taken this mag for many years, you won't do any better, some reading for you. I also take a methyl B12 under the tongue most days as I'm a vegetarian and I take a potent B group vitamin for men, works for me.


Oct 02, 2023 8:03 pm
Reply to CrappyColon

It really doesn't taste like anything as I recall.  It certainly wasn't a bad taste.  I bought it at a natural food store.  I only stopped because it's easier to just chew a little tablet once a day.


Oct 02, 2023 11:10 pm

Have you tried Magnesium spray? You spray it on your skin and it absorbs transdermaly, I have used it for years now, 

Usually leave it on for a few hours and a quik rinse under the shower, Might be worth looking into, Bill.

Oct 09, 2023 2:53 pm


I had my colon removed when I was 11 (I’m 54) resulting in an ileostomy. I use a magnesium balm from Remedium. I was told this was a good way to ensure absorption.

Unfortunately, I don’t know much about B12.

Good luck!

Oct 09, 2023 8:13 pm
Reply to Newhere

I feel like I did at some point… wondering if I got it from an online store called Plant Therapy… but I would’ve probably been trying it for migraines and not more along the lines for electrolytes. 

Oct 09, 2023 8:14 pm
Reply to Lins0808

I’ll have to see if that’s available in the US. Are there certain areas you put it on where it is better absorbed into the blood stream?

Oct 10, 2023 5:28 pm

I take oral Magnesium 400mg x 2 twice daily but the tablets are only about 1/3 dissolved before I feel them in my ostomy pouch so I get infusions 4mg every Friday over 4 hrs with a large bag of fluids. I take 2000 mg of B12 daily also. No migraine’s though. There are some mineral waters that have higher Magnesium levels but they are expensive. Sometimes your left with no great choices.

Oct 19, 2023 1:27 am

I take vitamin B that dissolves in my mouth.

Oct 19, 2023 9:11 am
Reply to CrappyColon

You can put it anywhere but test a small area first, I can't use it, it burns my skin, works for some but not others. You can put it anywhere you like but don't put it on your face. You are better off with the liquid, goes straight in with no additives, you add it to your water bottle and drink it over the day.

Nov 02, 2023 2:30 am

I take magnesium for migraines too. first i took it in capsules but that did not work out because my ostomy just spit it back out. now i take it in liquid form. that helps somewhat but my mag level is still on the line of low and normal. if you have a ileostomy then you probably are going to have  trouble with absorbing magnesium.


Nov 05, 2023 9:09 pm
Reply to TerryLT

Hello ;

My husband had an ileostomy in April following emergency  bowel cancer surgery .We were told  it was temporary  to rest the bowel due to leakage around the anastomosis site.

Most recently he was Dxed with cancer in the liver and is receiving chemo.We are shooting for Feb 2024 for his reversal and circuit reconnect.

He has low Magnesium per recent bloodwork values.

I give him powder magnesium  400mgs Qam and pm dissolved in 1 cup of electrolytes.

He has vit B liquid ( Flora Brand )Elixir every am .

Hockey cards

This week he has serology . Hope his levels are increased to normal levels or just improved.


Nov 05, 2023 9:10 pm
Reply to TerryLT

Hello ;

My husband had an ileostomy in April following emergency  bowel cancer surgery .We were told  it was temporary  to rest the bowel due to leakage around the anastomosis site.

Most recently he was Dxed with cancer in the liver and is receiving chemo.We are shooting for Feb 2024 for his reversal and circuit reconnect.

He has low Magnesium per recent bloodwork values.

I give him powder magnesium  400mgs Qam and pm dissolved in 1 cup of electrolytes.

He has vit B liquid ( Flora Brand )Elixir every am .

Hockey cards

This week he has serology . Hope his levels are increased to normal levels or just improved.


Nov 06, 2023 6:33 pm

The most 'soluable' or naturally / easily and fastest acting magnesium I have ever used is Magnesium Phosphate. in the form of tissue salts ie homeopathic potency B.Hom 6% viz No 8 by New Era .... [New Era Laboratories Limited, Marfleet, Hull, England HU9 5NJ]

Taken when experiencing leg cramps. 

Seem to work whether a believer in homeopthetics or a non-believer.

At cellular level something appears to be absorbed very FAST [tissue salts inserted under tongue] during an episode.

Can not substantiate WHY but they do!

Also, no longer aware of a supply line - so further research may be required for those wishing to try this solution.


Sorry unable to be more specifically helpful


Nov 06, 2023 6:48 pm
Reply to Axl

Axl, what are your go to proteins with being a vegetarian?

Nov 07, 2023 1:05 am

Hi Jodie

I don't deliberately look for protein I just eat a well rounded diet. It's in lots of things eggs nuts, greens, beans even a little in bananas and others fruits also plant based meat. And if you feel you are lacking there is are many body building protein powders to make your own drinks. Do you feel you are lacking or just researching ?

Nov 07, 2023 2:05 am
Reply to Axl

Axl- lacking. I know I don’t get enough.