Does Ring Thickness Affect Ostomy Leaks? Seeking Advice

Nov 03, 2023 2:26 am

So I use rings with my two-piece system. I recently received a sample pack from Hollister through my supply company. The rings they sent me were half as thick as the ones I use that are also from Hollister. I am feeling shy to use them because they are so flat. Does the thickness of the ring matter as far as leaks? I am afraid my stoma will be able to get under a thinner ring. Any insights or experiences? My ostomy nurse, whom I had for a couple of months after my most recent surgery, always said "less is more," but she used to have me use only half a ring, and it would always leak out the top. So I learned on my own to use the full ring. But if less is more, is a thinner ring better than a thicker one? I had to change my bag tonight, and I was going to try it, but then I chickened out because I don't need another leak when I have a very full day tomorrow.


Nov 03, 2023 3:16 am

I've tried thick rings and thin. I mold them quite a bit. As I squeeze, they get thinner. My stoma is oblong. So I shape and squeeze them quite a bit and they get fairly thin. Having a colostomy, I rarely have leaks. I use rings so I don't have to precisely cut the wafer hole, and prevent its edge from tearing up skin at my stoma's base. Especially when wearing a support belt. So far, it has worked. Except pushing down the hernia forces my stoma to prolapse a bit. And when output occurs... I get an even bigger, little tummy mountain. The joy never ends.

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Nov 03, 2023 4:07 am
Reply to Beachboy

I have an ileostomy, so leaks are always a concern for me. Is it hard having a stoma that isn't round? When I first got my current stoma (I had a relocation which gave me a different stoma), it was a little kind of oval in shape, but within a month or so, it turned into a round stoma. I don't remember what I did about it at the time, probably cut my wafer differently. With a colostomy, is your stoma bigger than one for an ileostomy? I have a hernia too. I hear or have read that it is fairly common. I see my doctor on the 7th to see what her take on it is. I am a little nervous she is going to recommend surgery. I've had 3 surgeries in the last (just under) 2 years, and I am in line for a gallbladder removal surgery next. So, I am not looking forward to another surgery after that.


Nov 03, 2023 5:36 am

Hi Lee,

With the rings, you said you were afraid that your stoma would fall under the thinner rings. Did your stoma retract? With thinner rings, on the contrary, think of it this way: the thicker the ring, the more length of your stoma is taken away (not as long as without a ring), which, let's face it, we all need as much length as we can get.

Nov 03, 2023 9:20 am

Hello everyone

My stoma retracted a fair amount, so I used rings. Those sticky things that stick to your fingers, but I ditched them!

I've had the best luck with a simple convex appliance. Gently pushing down exposes more of the stoma and boom! No leaks!!!

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Nov 03, 2023 11:41 am
Reply to vegan2share

Yes, I agree to ditching the barrier ring with a retracted or even low stoma. All it does is create a wall, and your output can't get into the bag; you just puddle around the stoma.

Nov 03, 2023 11:53 am

Hi Lee,

It's not too hard with an oblong stoma. Just more effort cutting the wafer hole.

Nov 03, 2023 6:27 pm

I've used both rings from Hollister and both work well.

Nov 04, 2023 2:59 am
Reply to Beth22

My stoma varies a lot in size and in how far it sticks out. Sometimes it is right up against my skin, flat; other times, it sticks out an inch or an inch and a half. It grows and shrinks too when it is working on something, and that is when it can go under the ring. Next change, I will give the thinner ring a try and see what happens.


Nov 04, 2023 3:02 am
Reply to Beachboy

I wouldn't like to have that then; I have enough trouble cutting wafers with right-handed scissors (I'm a lefty).
