Brock Lesnar's Surgery and Its Impact on Ostomy Stigma

Jun 06, 2011 12:46 pm

I admit that I watch MMA from time to time, although I am not a WWE fan. Since my surgery in October 2010, I have read about the stigma still attached to an ostomy; how most or many struggle with whether to tell someone or how to do so. Most would likely agree it is not something that is easily or comfortably discussed with friends, co-workers, and the like; and the negative implications that are likely prevalent in the public's mindset.

Interestingly, Brock Lesnar, a huge name in WWE and MMA, just had colon surgery for diverticulitis (which is what I had); and a portion of his colon was removed. He likely had a colostomy.

I was actually going to drop him a note wishing him well, telling him about my situation, and asking him to consider doing something positive for others (while he recovers) by reason of his celebrity and status, such as educating the public and candidly talking about his medical procedure such that it could have some small impact on how the public views an ostomy.

I was just curious if others believe such "publicity," that will likely surround Brock Lesnar, this 33-year-old, muscular 265# UFC/MMA heavyweight champion, well-known to many in and out of the sport, is a good thing. After all, the typical image of those who undergo colon surgery is not that of a person of the stature or physique of a Brock Lesnar.

I wonder if others think that the more publicity he gets on this medical subject could contribute in some small way to creating a better attitude or understanding of this life-saving medical procedure.

I would also like to know if anyone has read or heard about his surgery before I posted this forum topic.

From what I read, he has been candid about his medical condition.

Jun 06, 2011 5:04 pm
Hi SigmoidFreud ~ this May 18, 2011 post may interest you:

In his autobiography “Death Clutch,” mixed martial arts star Brock Lesnar describes his painful stay at a Brandon hospital after falling ill on a wilderness holiday in western Manitoba — the six-foot-three, 265-pound fighter was so sick, he had to be carried to the car by his brother.

At the hospital, Lesnar says he suffered because the hospital's CT machine was broken, meaning doctors were unable to find out what was causing his stomach pain.

“I had no clue what was wrong. The doctor didn't know either. He was waiting for a part for the CT machine. Time was slipping away, and I was wondering if I would ever make it out of that hospital alive. I put my faith in the doctors at that hospital. I shouldn't have. It almost cost me my career. It almost cost me my life.”

After a weekend on morphine with no CT scan, Lesnar asked for more pain medication and he and his wife drove across the border to a hospital in Bismarck, ND.

“I have a high threshold for pain, higher than most guys, and I couldn't deal with it,” he says of the agony he felt during the four-hour ride. "It felt like I had taken a shotgun blast to the stomach, and then someone poured in some salt and Tabasco sauce, and stirred it all up with a nasty pitchfork.”

At the Bismarck hospital, Lesnar said he got a CT scan in 20 minutes and was diagnosed with diverticulitis, a digestive disorder. He spent the next 11 days in the hospital but escaped surgery and returned to fight in the UFC. His fighting career has been put on hold again, however, with the recent news that he is again suffering from diverticulitis.
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Jun 10, 2011 10:12 pm
Thanks for mentioning that.
Jun 10, 2011 10:49 pm

I had watched a program on CBC Canada where he was being interviewed, and he left nothing out about what he went through. Now, this man knows pain, all part of his job. To pick up a man weighing 275 pounds and lift him over his head and slam him to the carpet is one thing, but when somebody does it to you, he says, it hurts like hell, and so he knows what pain is all about. Now, those of us who haven't this high tolerance for pain is a story in itself.
Although I don't watch WFW or whatever the term is, I was impressed with this man's honesty and integrity to admit someone like him had to endure such pain, and like us, we can honestly say, yes, we know of what you speak. Ed