Post Colostomy Reversal - Day 9 Update and Surgeon Q&A

Mar 21, 2024 11:19 am

Hi everyone! So my Rocky stance was short-lived. Ugh!! I had diarrhea today. I thought “normal” was on the horizon, I got too excited, but I'm sure it's not too far from my reach. I had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon yesterday, and she said that my bowels would be erratic for at least two weeks but could last up to six weeks or longer, and that would still be normal. A little setback but not discouraging. We talked about the rectal pain and the side pain, and she said that was all normal. She did say I was able to return to my normal diet, “you can eat anything,” and it was okay to start adding fiber to my diet again, but slowly because it could cause gas and bloating. She also said I could adjust my diet according to my BMs. If diarrhea, add toast, rice, etc. If too firm, remove fiber so I don't strain and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. I am a very inquisitive person and believe we need to be our own advocate when it comes to our health. Every time I am at the doc's office, any doc or specialist, I ask so many questions. Here are a few questions I asked and her responses for those who are curious.
Q: I don't really have a belly button anymore, is that okay?
A: It's there, way back, you just can't see it, but yes, it's fine.

Q: How long until the inside of where the stoma used to be completely heals?
A: It takes about 6 weeks, those muscles were stitched back together, and after about 3 months, the stitches on the inside will start dissolving.
Q: Do I need to worry about fistulas?
A: No, and I did not see any sign of fistulas forming at the time of surgery. That doesn't mean it can't happen, but it's not present now, and I don't think it will be an issue.
Q: How was the hernia repaired?
A: I cut the bubble that formed, stitched it up, then stitched up the muscle it came out of. I did not use mesh because it's not good to use mesh with patients who have intestinal issues.
Q: Did you end up using cadaver to reinforce and support the hernia repair?
A: No, I didn't have to.
Q: The part of my belly where the hernia used to be still sticks out a bit, will it go down?
A: Yes, your body is still swollen, but in time it will go flat.
Q: When I was discharged, I was advised not to push when I poop, but sometimes I feel like I need to.
A: It's okay to, just do not sit there pushing or straining.
Q: Discharge instructions said not to sit on the toilet for more than 2-3 minutes, but it feels like I'm not done emptying.
A: You can sit there for longer, but not longer than 10-15 minutes. If you feel like you still need to go, get up, walk around a few minutes, then go back. That should help.
Q: I still have rectal pain and pressure with BMs.
A: Yes, that's normal, you are only 9 days from major surgery.
So that's it, I won't see her anymore unless something comes up, but she did say that if I have questions, I could call. I believe she was a good surgeon, she was patient and answered all of my questions without rushing me. I did see her for a reversal consult, and I will post about that later. It would have been nice to post in sequence, but, as you know, because of the blockage, I had the reversal done as an unexpected emergency. Thank you for reading this long post LOL. Have a good night!

Mar 21, 2024 12:05 pm

Now that's preparation! Great questions - we need to get as much info as possible. I hope you continue to improve!

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Morning glory
Mar 21, 2024 1:40 pm

You did such a great job in being your own advocate, MoeMoe. You had a great surgeon too.

Mar 21, 2024 3:34 pm

G'day MoeMoe, you really did ask all the right things, and most of them will help others going through the same thing. I am so proud of how you have recorded all this. It really does take some time before it's all back to normal, but you're doing all the right things. I hope you get the diarrhea under control soon, and you will feel so much better after. Keep well. Regards, IGGIE

Mar 21, 2024 5:28 pm

Wow, you are just like me... I had an actual list of written questions at my pre-reversal appointment, and the post tele-health visit! My daughter laughed, but I didn't want to forget anything! My surgeon patiently answered them all as well, and I really think that is a sign of a great surgeon! I'm already working on a list for my April 4th colonoscopy... 😂

Sorry you've had a little setback, but it's normal and things will stabilize.


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Mar 21, 2024 7:04 pm

Welp... it's like my grandpappy, Joe Slappy, used to say: "Boy... into every life, a little rain must fall." "Now get your skinny ass out there and take out the trash!"

OK, enough silliness.

Hang in there, MoeMoe. Gonna take a while for your plumbing to recover. I would advise you to be extremely careful about straining during BM. Hernia repair is very delicate. Thanks for your detailed report on your progress and surgeon questions/answers. Reversal is such a tough decision. I really struggled with it.

Take care

Mar 21, 2024 9:48 pm
Reply to IGGIE

Thank you, Iggie! 😊

Mar 21, 2024 9:53 pm
Reply to DexieB

Yup! We are our best advocate. You go ahead and ask your questions, girlfriend! Keep us posted on your 4/4 results. I'm rooting for you!

Mar 25, 2024 5:43 pm
Reply to Beachboy

I have an ileostomy and I'm not a candidate for a reversal. I am looking at getting a permanent colostomy. With the ileostomy, the ring under my bag gets some of the output under it onto my skin. It burns and I have to change the bag. Just wondering if it would be better with a colostomy. Also, my surgeon said it would be a major surgery. I don't know if you can answer my question, but I thought I would just ask.