Why My Boyfriend With an Ileostomy Bag Avoids Intimacy

Jul 25, 2024 5:36 am

Hi everyone,

My boyfriend had emergency surgery at the end of March where a portion of his large intestine was removed due to diverticulitis. He now has a temporary ileostomy bag. Before the bag, we had just started dating (although we work together and have known each other for 3 years). We fell for each other hard, and it was so wonderful, then March happened, and the whole bottom fell out. He became a different person. After the surgery, we had sex a couple of times, but in the last couple of months, the affection and sex have been nonexistent. He keeps telling me he will be a different person when the bag comes off, but I feel like by the time we get to the end of this, and because he hasn't really wanted anything to do with me intimately, he isn't going to be able to help but just look at us like we are roommates. Any advice on what I can do?

Jul 25, 2024 7:56 am

G-Day 76, let him know that the stoma doesn't bother you, as long as it doesn't. If you have shown any inclination that it puts you off, he will pick that up in no time. Get him to buy a boob tube and cover the stoma before you go to bed, then bonk your brains out. Good luck, IGGIE.

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Jul 25, 2024 9:05 am

His problem has nothing to do with you, to begin with.  He's dealing with what's happened to his body and he's likely somewhat in shock over that gawdawful thing now attached to his belly.  You'll have to go overboard to show it doesn't bother you and, even then, he's going to still struggle with it.  Here's a double negative for you:  something like suddenly having an ileostomy cannot NOT impact every aspect of one's life, including one's sex life.  I don't mean to be crass, but I would compare it to a guy with a 10" long penis suddenly waking up to discover it has shrunk down to 2".  If size matters, so does a clear, uncluttered belly.  Hopefully, he'll deal with this situation over time.  Good luck to you both.

Jul 25, 2024 9:59 am

Just be there for him, let him know how much you love and care about him. He's got a lot going on in his head and body, and so have you. You know yourself, love isn't all about sex. Don't take this the wrong way; in relationships, even if you don't have an ostomy, there will be times in your life when you don't have sex for a time when one or both of you have physical or mental health problems, be it depression or other.

Jul 25, 2024 3:18 pm

He is going through a tough adjustment. It's just a temporary situation. He feels ugly. He might even have an offensive smell which is very embarrassing. Emptying the bag also stinks up the house.

All this is common. He might also fear losing you, too.

I was not active with my wife for several years. We divorced.

Put yourself in his shoes.

Imagine having a serious physical alteration to your body?

I am sure breast cancer survivors go through this, as well as amputees.

This is a bump in the road for you guys being new into a relationship. The hot and heavy will return. Give him time.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jul 25, 2024 4:24 pm

Suggest a wrap from Ostomy Secrets to him. It's a band that will cover the ostomy and hold it in place. Ostomy Secrets sells all kinds of bands and underwear for men.

Maybe if it's covered so you or he can't see it and it's tucked tight against his skin with the wrap, so the bag is not just loose and swinging around, he may feel more comfortable.

As the poster above mentioned smell, they have odor drops that go inside the bag called Hollister M9 drops.

Jul 25, 2024 8:39 pm

This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with your boyfriend. Everyone wants to feel desirable when it comes to sex, and it sounds like he doesn't feel that way about himself. It might help to let him know that you still find him attractive. He may hear you, or he may continue to feel less than. Either way, it will not be your fault. I think it's wonderful how supportive you've been, but we can't change other people, only offer our love. It's up to them to want to change and actually do it.

Jul 25, 2024 10:26 pm

You have received a lot of really good advice here, so good that I really can't add to it, other than to say... take it! Good luck.


Jul 28, 2024 1:45 am

One of the questions I was asked after surgery was whether I could still get an erection. "What, are you kidding me?" I thought. It seems that during the surgical process, with so much of our innards being moved, something could happen and affect the prostate gland. Maybe that is the culprit.

Hope that helps.

Shark Fan

Jul 28, 2024 2:09 am

This is a man's ego we are talking about - we can be shallow, fragile creatures.

Try to make the ostomy a common thing that is just part of life. My wife named mine "Sterling the stoma" for the ileostomy (from the show Archer), and "Oscar the Ostomy" for my permanent ostomy. It helps take the "taboo" and shame out of it he might be feeling.

+1 on suggestion from others for some sort of wrap. When I go running, it bounces around, so I got a wrap/tube top type thing - the same thing happens during sexy rumpus time, very distracting and not sexy.

Word of caution - if you force things on him, you may not like the results. Tread carefully. See my first sentence at the top.

Jul 28, 2024 7:45 pm
Reply to JD

Very wise words, JD.


Dogen's bag
Aug 30, 2024 3:08 pm

I was that guy.  

Married 17 years when I had the surgery, all the support and acceptance anyone could ask for, but my own head would not allow it.

I told my wife I would understand if she would leave me. I was, in my own head, the most disgusting human being that had ever existed. I hated my body and could not fathom anyone accepting it; heck, I didn't.

Of course, I was wrong. 

She asked me one day that if she had a stoma, would I find her desirable? I said of course, as it didn't matter, and she said she felt the same way. I still took about 6 months before I could, in my own head, do anything, and even then, I wore a tee shirt for my own peace of mind.  

Your boyfriend is experiencing trauma and grief; his entire image of self has been wiped away and replaced with a reality that is very difficult to accept. My bag was also temporary; I had the reversal and will tell you I was feeling "normal" again within days. 

Good luck, he is lucky to have such a supportive partner during what is a very difficult time. 

Dogen's Bag