Switching from Ileostomy to Colostomy: Experiences?

Nov 01, 2024 8:44 am

I have had a loop ileostomy since January 2023. I’d had oozing ulcers in my colon which grew to a fistula due to radiation damage in 2012. My surgeon wants to switch me to a colostomy. Can someone tell me what that is like? Does anyone use the irrigation system to clean out the pouch? Do you have gas issues or odor issues? I have exploratory surgery coming up next week, yikes! 

Nov 01, 2024 9:18 am

Hello Kitty51.
Thank you so much for posting your questions on here and giving us an opportunity to comment.
Firstly, I am sorry to hear about the problems you’ve had. However, if your surgeon thinks a colostomy would help, then in all probability he/she is right.
A colostomy ‘might’ provide the opportunity for you to irrigate your stoma. This procedure could fundamentally change your life for the better as it should evacuate the output all in one go, to leave you with an output-free day. 
Many irrigators find that they don’t even need a bag. I used Stoma plugs for years but now they have been withdrawn from the market I just use a stoma guard.
You can educate yourself about’ stoma irrigation’ by looking on YouTube, where there are numerous instructional/educational videos on the subject.
You will need to dsiscuss this with your surgeon or stoma nurse to see if you would be a good candidate for irrigation. 
Your stoma nurse should be conversant with this approach but not all of them are and not everyone is suitable for this procedure. If you are one of the ‘lucky’ ones, then I would strongly suggest you give it a go.
Best wishes



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Nov 01, 2024 9:25 am
Reply to Bill

Thank you, Bill!

Nov 01, 2024 9:28 am
Reply to Bill

What is a stoma guard?

Nov 01, 2024 10:49 am
Reply to Kitty51

Hello Kitty51.
You ask a very good question, which has both a simple answer and a more complex one. 
The simple one is that it is something that protects the stoma from external damage. There are a few on the market and if you google 'stoma guards'  I feel sure that you will get some pictures. and explanations.
The more complex approach reflects my own DIY devices, which address more specific problems of supporting my hernias and prolapses and, incidentally, also prevent pancaking and funnels output more controllably into my irrigation sleeves. Photos of some of these can be found on my profile. They are usually made from anything suitable I can find about the house; in my shed; or in the shops if they are not expensive.
I have indicated my feelings on here before, that I think these devices should be tailor-made to suit the individual's needs. Hence, the DIY approach. However, I'm all for trying manufactured products first to see if they work ( why invent the wheel)!
Best wishes



Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Nov 01, 2024 6:38 pm

Hello, I have a colostomy from explorarory surgery.  I've had it for 19 months. Mine is easy to care for.  But only because I learned how to do it on this web site.  Irrigation is an option if you're a candidate for it.  I could probably do it, but choose to have the wafer and bag.  Just my personal preference.  I travel like I used to.  I'm in Las Vegas now, getting ready to drive home.  I've never had a leak or bag blowout.  Came close when I first got the stoma.  But experience has taken care of that.  Good luck

Nov 01, 2024 10:35 pm

I’ve had a colostomy since May.  Regarding the gas and odor issues, my diet plays a big role.  By trial and error, I am learning what foods to avoid.  I add odor eliminator drops (m9 by Hollister) to my pouch and take Devrom chewable tablets which are supposed to eliminate odor from gas and stool.  They have worked well for me so far.

Nov 02, 2024 3:50 am

I've had a colostomy since Aug so I'm far less experienced than most people on this board. But I will share my thoughts and experience FWIW.

I have not found the colostomy unduly difficult.  I've had my share of leaking issues probably due, in part, to being a total novice. 

As an experienced ostomate, I think you will adjust very quickly.  I can't imagine that gas and odor are worse for a colostomy than an ileostomy.

In my case, I use a closed end bag with a filter. My filter generally lasts as long as the bag. It's a 2 piece system so when bag fills (roughly 1 or 2 x per day), I just replace the bag. That means my filter doesnt get clogged. My only complaint about gas is noise.

Nov 02, 2024 3:51 am

PS I don't know anything about irrigation... I'm going to have to look it up. My guess is that I'm not a candidate.

Nov 11, 2024 2:16 am
Reply to Bill

Thank you, Bill

Nov 11, 2024 2:17 am
Reply to Hugo

Thank you, Hugo

Nov 11, 2024 2:19 am
Reply to SusanT

That seems to be the way, we are learning all the time. YouTube was a tremendous help to me when I began my ileostomy journey.