What foods can I eat after a loop ileostomy? I've been managing my digestive issues by eliminating grains and wheat, and it's made a significant difference. Once I undergo the procedure, should I maintain this approach?
I've always focused on eating “clean,” but I've lost quite a bit of weight in the last three months, and I really can’t afford to lose any more.
I enjoy making my own protein shakes because store-bought options like Ensure often contain ingredients and sugars that my stomach can't handle. What ingredients would be allowed for a protein shake?
Maybe I’m just hungry and am becoming fixated on this restrictive diet.🤪
I've been primarily eating small amounts of baked chicken and rice, breakfast burritos made with almond flour, eggs, and spinach, tuna wraps, bone broth, popsicles, along with plenty of water and electrolytes, and vegan cookies.