Smooth Security Experience During International Travel

Aug 31, 2012 1:21 am

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   hi folks.   A few were askign about travleing and flying,.   i recently took a flight to another country.   The security was fine.   I only made one point to them I had a apiance.   They got a male security guard and then he put gloves on and went down the area AI pointed out gentely.    .   They were good about it and after using the wand also for metals to check for security a normal thing. I was let go on my way only taking two min. or less.   No hassels at all.   Upon the return flight returing to the USA there was no checks at all.   So in all it was goodf.  Also my vactaion went well.   No problems what so ever.


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Aug 31, 2012 4:06 am
Hi Mart,

That's great news! I myself have never flown but have heard many horror stories how some folks have been treated. Maybe they really have been educated since then.

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Aug 31, 2012 9:51 am
We went to the USA and Canada from Manchester via Frankfurt  late June this year. I had my Braun pump with the stoma covers, spare bags, KY jelly and all the pills etc. The ONLY problem I had was a case with the phone chargers, laptop and cables. Everything else (including me) sailed through. The aitports were:

Manchester, Frankfurt, Detroit, Washington, Frankfurt and Manchester

The airline was Lufthansa and I did send them a letter before the trip explaining about the stoma and the pump

Enjoy your trip.
Sep 10, 2012 3:36 pm
I fly all the time and never mention my appliance or surgery. never had a problem - national or international.  keep traveling, Its very broading!