Fear of Reversal Surgery - Need Advice!

Oct 12, 2012 11:08 pm
Hi everybody! It's been ages since I last posted but I finally have a new computer that I can actually use... So in 2 weeks, I'm going in for more surgery, a reversal if possible and for sure a hernia repair with mesh. I had my colostomy 3 years ago and since then have had 3 emerg. surgeries for a strangulated hernia. My new surgeon, my 5th! is going to do all he possibly can to reverse me, but he tells me that I have so many adhesions from previous surgeries that he's not sure what he'll be able to do until he gets in there. Even though I've researched it, I'm not sure I really understand what these adhesions are. He says they are the cause of much of my pain and the reason I get internal strangulations as well as those that come with my super huge hernia. Anyway, I have been experiencing a weird emotion and want to check in to see if anyone else has these doubts/fears.
All my life I have suffered from ulcerative colitis and my surgery was always a threat on the horizon but became a reality when an abscess burst. So for 3 years, I have lived with my bag and to be honest, if it weren't for my twin-size hernia, I wouldn't consider surgery. I have loved being free from the bathroom {you know what I mean!} I'm so scared that I will have to return to that old way of life. It seems that all my surgeons, doctors, in fact, anyone but you guys automatically think I'm crazy to even consider not having the reversal. My memory is short but not that short! So any advice? Am I weird to feel these reservations?
Hope to hear from all of you soon LOVE TO MY OSTOMATES
soapie xoxoxoxo
Oct 13, 2012 8:31 am

Hiya, I'm considering a reversal too. I totally understand where you're coming from with your worries about the bathroom. I'm the same! I only had my ileostomy in March, but I'm so enjoying being healthy and not tied to the toilet! Good luck. Best wishes xx

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monkey socks
Oct 17, 2012 7:17 am

Hi, I've had a reversal two years ago. At the time, I was really pleased with it, but then I developed a hernia and now I'm back in the bathroom more than I was before. At the moment, I'm waiting for a hernia repair, and they are deciding what they should do to help me. I wish I had kept my colostomy, and I'm hoping they will put it back. My advice to you is to ask your surgeon lots of questions about what can happen after surgery and if things don't go to plan, what they can do to help you. I have a friend who, after seeing how I've been, has opted to keep her colostomy. I wish you all the best and hope it's a success.

Oct 17, 2012 8:19 am
Hi, I know exactly where your head is with this. I have had my colostomy for a year and a half and will have to get the reversal as they can't repair the hernia if I keep the colostomy. I would not be going for the reversal if it wasn't for the hernia. I wake up every morning feeling great and thank God I am alive. I have a few problems with my colostomy but nothing I can't handle. I will be going into the hospital early next year for the operation. I will be looking out for your post after your operation. Hope everything goes well and you have a speedy recovery.
Oct 17, 2012 1:39 pm

Hi there, as you can see there are many of us who have had a colostomy and had to decide if a reversal was right or not. I decided to have the reversal. I have Crohn's. After 11 months with the colostomy, I had the reversal. The surgeon was able to clear out some of the adhesions. I think they are like scar tissue and can wrap around other parts of the abdomen. They also put me on Imuran to keep me in remission. If I have to go back to a colostomy, I would gladly accept that, knowing I can still enjoy life.
You have nothing to lose! They will be in there anyway, so why not leave it up to them and the hands of God. Let us know how you decide and the turnout! Jean


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Oct 17, 2012 1:50 pm

I got totally used to the bag also, had a reversal a year ago, and am so happy I did. Every situation is different, though. I say go for it. If it is a success, you will be pleased to go to the bathroom. If it does not work, you will know for sure. They have to go inside anyway, right?

Past Member
Oct 17, 2012 2:21 pm
Hi Soapie,

Please go to the top of the page, click on Forum, scroll down to "Ostomy Reversal" and there are hundreds of posts regarding your feelings/concerns. I am Octobersunrise and wrote about my own experience and end result from the Mayo Clinic. My post is called "Before You Rush into the OR" and is about the third one down from the top as it is quite recent. Remember, do your research. I wish you all the best.

Oct 17, 2012 7:06 pm
Hi Soapie and all - Wow, it is great to see a lot of folks posting here whom I don't normally see answering on the forum.

I have a permanent colostomy now, but had a temporary one in the past that was reversed for 5 years. I will say waiting for that surgery, because it was "elective," was the most nerve-wracking of all! No "this is going to save your life" justification that made all the previous surgeries "no-brainers".

My advice is to go ahead, at least to have your hernias repaired and your adhesions "snipped" away from where they are hampering your bowel from moving freely. That is the cause of your current pain. A reversal (if possible) would be a bonus! It is the only way you will know the answer to your question about whether it is right for you or not. Putting the colostomy back, if need be, will be no big deal - and at least you will know you have tried all the options. Best of success!
Oct 18, 2012 3:02 am
Hello there,

I feel for you. Please continue to look for answers and do not give up. Also, involve yourself with a support group (if you have not done so). The first time I attended one after my surgery, it was such a relief that there is a place we can go (ostomates) to receive support and advice. At the Ostomy Groups, no question is stupid and the group can really offer great advice.

Please remain positive and take care.

Nov 08, 2016 8:52 pm

Can you share your experiences after reversal surgery? I am having mine next month. I have read so many negative, horrible things about it that my surgeon told me to stop reading!!!