Finding Comfortable High-Rise Briefs for Men with Stomas

Apr 10, 2013 11:39 pm
I have fpund a good pair of Men's briefs which have a high rise and cover up the stoma area. It is a Munsingwear Full Rise Brief. If you don't need a separated pocket for your bag, you might be as relieved as I am to not have an appliance exposed and still choose a brief over a boxer.

I purchased a couple of two-packs (Black and Gray) from Amazon. I'm very happy about the discovery.
Apr 14, 2013 3:25 am
I have tried different types, Dent, including boxer briefs and boxers with ostomy pockets. The most important thing for me, however, is to keep the band away from the lower part of the flange. Contact there will lead to pressure possibly separating the bag from the flange. What works best for me are low risers where the band is well below the flange. Whatever works for you is best.   PB
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Apr 14, 2013 3:32 pm

Hi Denton, I’m becoming expert for mysituation and hope it might help others. Covering the stoma just doesn’t work for me except with loose pants withsuspenders.  If the waistband of myshorts covers the lower part of the flange the skin gets irritated when I exercise,walk the treadmill, cut  and wraptree limbs, etc.  I also make“pockets” for my T-shirts so the pouch doesn’t hang below my outer shirts orsweaters.o/o

Hope this helps.o/o


Apr 14, 2013 3:36 pm

Sorry, next time I'll preview and edit my post. Mike

Apr 15, 2013 8:58 am
Hi Denton, reading your blog just makes me realise how lucky we are here in England to have our NHS, we have excellent medical care which is free at point of delivery and when you have certain permanent medical conditions we get much needed help and supplies for free. People over here with permanent ostomies get all our prescriptions free of charge, that means all ostomy supplies and any other prescriptions. Also we are entitled to 6 items of special underwear per year, there is quite a lot of designs to chose from both men's and women's, the ones I use are very comfortable and supportive. Long live the NHS. Best wishes Trudel

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