Opinions on Coloplast Sensor Mi Flange 16481?

Sep 19, 2016 7:25 pm

Anyone tried Coloplast Mio flanges with convexity #16481? Thinking of giving them a try.

Sep 20, 2016 10:53 pm


I've been using that system as a one-piece (Confex Light) for nearly a year now and I love it. It's very flexible but still strong enough to support my ostomy. The fabric is great, I'm wondering how I felt comfortable with other bags before. In this year, I only remember one leakage. The downside is that the filter is so strong that I get problems with pancaking from time to time. And I'm not a fan of the transparent plastic under the fabric. Would have preferred no window.

Good luck with your samples!

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Sep 21, 2016 1:30 am

They won't give me a sample in Australia. I actually rang them yesterday. I am after the Mio Flex range 2-piece sticky ones!! I would really love to try it as well. I have heard they are soft but not as soft compared to the Eakin Pelican one-piece that I have at the moment.

Good luck to you, Funnygirl.

And Manina, thanks for the info. Much appreciated.

Sep 21, 2016 2:15 pm

No samples in Australia? That's a shame.
I live in Germany and they don't send any samples at the moment because the system is so popular that there is a production bottleneck. Currently, the product is only given to those who actually use and need it. There is a waiting list for samples though.

So if this system is available in Australia too (and it should be), this might be the reason why you don't get any samples. Or what did they tell you when you called?
In Germany, we also get samples from our ostomy therapist. Is that a possibility for you?

Sep 21, 2016 9:20 pm

I use the 16716 soft convex system and love it


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Sep 23, 2016 12:09 am

Hi Manina, would you believe the Sensura Mio Flex Convex is the only one companies won't give samples of! Next time I see my nurse, I'll see if I can get one. I'm pretty hopeful with her. The companies over here will let you sample anything else (it does get a bit confusing when trying to find one that I can use permanently). I have a dent that keeps leaking, so a company (not the nurse) is sending me some 1-piece drainable flat Sensura Mio Flex with some mouldable rings to see if that works. Fingers crossed. The convex is really popular over here too. Hope you are well and have a nice day.

Sep 23, 2016 12:11 am

Thanks for that comment, Ewesful. I'll check it out. Have a lovely day