Pouch Changing Tips & Odor Eliminators - Need Help!

Mar 06, 2017 5:42 pm

Every time I change or empty the pouch, I make a mess no matter what I do. Can anyone tell me what they do that works for them? My other question is, what do you use as an odor eliminator? I have tried several and nothing seems to work.

Mar 06, 2017 7:31 pm

Hanaleah, I use a Convatec 2-piece system with Sensi-Care adhesive removal wipes and Sensi-Care skin barrier wipes as well as barrier strips. I do not use wet wipes or paste. If I need extra cleaning, I use a washcloth wet with warm soapy water, making sure the soap does not have perfume or oil in it. A piece of tissue paper also works for cleaning. Use the adhesive removal wipe last because it does not leave residue on the skin. The barrier strip can be cut to size and rolled into a long thin round piece, then made into a circle to fit closely around the stoma. Then apply the skin barrier wipe or Stomahesive powder. If you use the powder, apply it liberally but do not get any on the stoma. Then use the end of a folded tissue to brush off the powder, forming a uniform thin layer of powder anywhere the adhesive of the flange will be. I use both the wipe and the powder, but the skin must be very dry before the powder is applied. Apply the flange. I add a sachet of Adapt lubricant and deodorant to the bag before I install the bag on the flange. This system works well for me with no leaks, a minimum of odor, and five or more days wear from the flange. I use Convatec products, but Coloplast or Hollister should also work. Hope this helps. Don.

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NJ Bain
Mar 06, 2017 7:45 pm


There are several posts about both subjects and lots of YouTube videos about draining and changing the pouch. I plan on doing my own video in the near future and I will post a link.

Personally, I don't do much about the odor other than light a match after I'm done draining/changing. As far as draining my pouch, I always sit on the toilet, I always hold the drainable part upright as not to spill the contents, undo the clips and I fold the opening outward like folding a sleeve. I pinch the opening with my fingers and aim down between my legs and unpinch my fingers. After I get most of the contents out, I take folded tissue paper, fold around the opening, wipe clean, then using the same tissue, swab the inside of the opening. Then I unfold the opening and use the edge of the clip to rake any residue I might have missed back into the pouch.

Changing the pouch, I usually put some folded tissue on the sink in case my stoma starts squirting. I use a washcloth and bar soap. I get the washcloth soapy, and push between the wafer of the pouch and my abdomen, starting at the top and work my way down and around the stoma. Once the pouch is off, I put it to the side and use it to collect tissue I use to clean up and around the stoma. Once I clean the stoma with tissue, I take the soapy cloth and wash all around the area where the wafer sits and my stoma. My stoma tends to bleed a tiny bit but it's no big deal. Then I rinse the washcloth thoroughly and wipe all the soap off of the stoma and skin where the wafer sits. I then take folded tissue and wrap it around the stoma and pat the area dry with a towel. Once dry, I apply skin barrier and then I put the new pouch on. Then, fold the pouch so the opening is pointing upward as to not let anything out until I snap on a clip. I hold my hands down around the left and right sides of the stoma against the pouch for 30 seconds to heat activate the wafer so it creates a good seal. Then I place my hands over and under the stoma for another 30 seconds. Once I'm satisfied the seal is good, I snap on the clips. I use 2 clips in case one fails. I then use a Clorox wipe to clean the sink whether or not my stoma squirts.

You'll get a better visual once I create the video. But this is how I will be doing it in the video. Everyone has their own way. I hope this helps.


Mar 07, 2017 3:32 pm

Hang in there. This might seem strange but I sit on the toilet facing the tank. This gives me more of an opening and makes less of a mess. Make sure you place a little toilet paper in the tank first to avoid splashing. I use baby wipes when I change and then wipe with toilet paper. The smell, well it's tough. I use Febreze odor eliminator instead of perfumes. I place my used punches in a Diaper Genie and put a small space Febreze pack. I hope this helps. When it doesn't go well, try and relax, take a deep breath, and fix it.

Mar 08, 2017 6:38 am

I also sit facing the tank. My stoma is located up in the middle left side, so it's a far drop to the toilet. Sitting facing the tank gives me more room because the hole is bigger to hit in the toilet, more than just the edge facing forward. I also have to use heat to make the wax ring and wafer stick. Plus, I can't just get up and take off to go do something; I just have to sit and let it seal. Problems about the stink are simple - you control that with what you eat. Plus, here is a website. This stuff does okay; I used it and got tired of always spending money. www.poopourri.com

My mom tries to use scented candles and waxes. They work a little, but I still win the battle.

I look at it this way: other people fart and you hear them ripping away, and you are stuck with their odor. So, I teach them a lesson. They laugh when they fart, and until you release your fart silent and deadly, then it's not so funny to them because they can't compete, no matter how hard they try. You win.


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Fraidy Cat
Mar 17, 2017 11:18 pm

Hi "Defeated",

I agree with sitting facing the toilet, much cleaner! As for odor control, I use a dash of mouthwash in the bag and 4 to 5 Tic-Tac mints (like the white ones best). It works for me and keeps things fresh smelling all day, also works better and much less expensive than some other "remedies" I've tried.

Mar 18, 2017 9:47 pm

Hey guys, for some reason, when I prepared a new pouch for a full change of my two-piece Convatec appliance, I put a tablespoon or more of the Adapt lubricating deodorant in the pouch then added about 20 M-9 drops.  There is no odor.  I've been using those two deodorants for months now.  It works or my olfactory senses are shot.  It's worth a try.


Mar 18, 2017 9:53 pm

It's a shame they can't get us just one good product to work for the odor. I've tried many and I just think it can depend on what I eat.

Mar 18, 2017 11:27 pm

One thing I'm certain of is the prescribed 4 to 12 drops recommended for the M9, Stop Plus or the packets of Adapt just doesn't cut it form me.  Maybe that's just me but 20 drops works really well.


Mar 18, 2017 11:37 pm

I agree, 4-12 drops don't do anything. I do like the Brava deodorant, it smells really good and helps but I wouldn't go so far as to say it keeps the odor away.

Mar 25, 2017 2:02 pm

Hi Don, thank you so much for your reply. You give a lot of ideas to try and I appreciate the feedback.

Pray for peace, Hana

Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 10, 2022 12:15 am
Reply to NJ Bain

I dump the same way, Bain.... I wear my bag up and down, not to the side... always sitting....

Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 10, 2022 12:26 am

Hiya Hana....To drain my pouch, which I do every time I pee, lol, I sit on the toilet, hold the drainable part upright, undo the clips, and pinch the opening with my fingers and aim down between my legs, unfold the opening and unpinch my fingers. After it's empty, I use toilet paper, fold it over in half for the opening and flap just in case, and wipe clean. And of course, remember to wash your hands (lol). For odor control, thus far for me, it's worked. I got a squeeze bottle with a squirt of baby oil filled with warm water, and once a day, I flush my bag every day. I use half close up bag, swish it around, use my dump procedure, and redo with the other 1/2 of water and oil solution.... It's multi-purpose, really cleans inside your bag and stoma at the same time, and has a baby fresh smell.... Hope it helps... Stay strong and carry on, you got this....

Your homie with a stomie


Homie With A Stomie NS
Jul 10, 2022 12:29 am
Reply to Mrs.A

You are so right....it is what we eat. Omg, fish is the worst for me. Gag me with a huge spoon, lol.....