Discovering a Simple Fix for My Severe Stomach Pain

Oct 11, 2017 10:57 pm

I have to share this update.  I am so excited about this.  I saw my VA psych Dr. who does my depression medication and discussed with her about my dificult stomach pain issues.  As we were talking about things I could do, I mentioned that I had been taking the 800mg of Ibuphrophine that the VA famously gives for every ailment.  She looked at my medication list and asked if the tablet was coated?  I remembered that it was and suddenly it dawned on me that this medication has not been making it into the troubled area due to the absorbing issues that I have since getting the ileostomy.  She looked further into my meds and saw where I was prescribed liquid Ibuphrophine during the time of my throat surgery.  I took it because I couldn't swallow pills for several weeks.  She asked if I had any left and I said I still had two bottles and one refill.  I had never even thought of using it rather than the tablet.  She told me how much to use twice a day and I have been using it for two days.  I have no pain around my stoma! Who would have ever thought that this was the simple fix that I needed.  As it gets better, I will use less and soon I won't have to use any!  I just had to share this as I am so releived.

Oct 12, 2017 5:19 am

Hello freedancer.

 Thank you so much for updating us and I'm pleased that you have got this one sorted. It's great when you can talk things through with someone who is genuinely interested in the problem and thinking it through to a solution. I had a problem with Loperamide and one of the consultants suggested I take it in liquid form so that I could adjust the dose to the precise amount that I needed. He also gave me a syringe to measure it more accurately and that did the trick.

I hope things continue to improve for you

Best wishes


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Oct 15, 2017 3:33 pm

This is a great success story... and reminds all of us to ask questions and inquire if health concerns do not improve.  Coated medications may cause issues with those of us with a shortened bowel track.  Best wishes and glad that you are feeling better.  Take care. LH