Transporting Ostomy Supplies - Tips for Small Bags & Pockets

Sep 03, 2018 7:00 pm

OK, now that I am learning to use all this stuff, I am keenly interested in what you carry and how you carry it. I am a small woman who likes a smallish handbag. When I carry a large handbag, satchel or tote, I look like I'm hauling luggage. Again: what do you carry, how do you carry it? I would like to hear from men as well as women as they usually only have pockets, unless they carry a man-purse (would not suggest it in these parts). Thanks!

Past Member
Sep 03, 2018 7:26 pm

I fold one bag in half and keep it in my pocket, it's seen me right for 30 years.

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  38,668 members
Sep 03, 2018 7:33 pm

I put everything in a sandwich size zip lock, one in my jacket and one in my wife's purse. When traveling, I have a Hollister pouch with everything that I leave in the car during the trip.

Sep 03, 2018 7:38 pm

Panther, does that mean you always wear a two-piece?

Past Member
Sep 03, 2018 7:42 pm

Dls, no I use 1 piece drainable


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Sep 03, 2018 8:04 pm

I carry an "emergency kit" in both the car and the truck. I use the small fanny pack type thing to keep it in. Don't forget to rotate the supplies out of there a few times a year. If I am doing outdoor activities, I carry an extra cap. I fold it in two paper towels and then fold it as small as is practical in one of the plastic bags that are supplied in most ostomy supplies. Folded neatly and scotch taped shut, I stick it in either the front or back pocket, or the cargo pocket on cargo pants.

Sep 03, 2018 8:27 pm

Panther, does that mean you may have to change your entire appliance somewhere besides home? A one piece cannot change bags. Do you use SALTS products?

Sep 03, 2018 10:25 pm

Dis... I am a small woman, unlike you I carry a tote.. I carry 2 small make-up bags. One includes two pouches, skin barriers and rings. The other a small can of deodorizer spray along with baby oil and disposable gloves. I always have a change of clothes in the trunk of the car if needed.

Take care


Sep 04, 2018 1:02 am

Since my earliest years of having a stoma, I kept extra clothes in my car, a change of supplies at work, and always a small emergency change in my purse - just the essentials. It has been some time since I ever had to use any of them, but I like to be prepared.

Sep 04, 2018 5:50 am

I have always travelled 'light' with no extras or safeguards. However,in the light of recent events, I may have to revise my approach and consider what I might need in an emergency. Up to now, I carry my phone and my wife will bring stuff to me pretty quickly if I ever needed it. Since having a stoma, this situation has not arisen but before that it was a regular occurrence that I would need a complete change of clothing. Far too much to carry around! 

Best wishes


Sep 04, 2018 7:13 pm


I do not like carrying a large bag either. I have a small makeup-type bag that fits in most any small purse. I have taken pictures of what I have and what all it holds. In this little bag is 2 pouches, two barrier strips, a slim barrier, two adhesive remover packs, one deodorant/lubricant pack, two baggies for discarded bags, two panty liners, filter covers, and a spare pair of panties. I also carry a small pack of baby wipes in my purse but not necessary if you have access to a private restroom. Everything I could possibly need in a small space and never have anxiety about being without supplies!


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Sep 04, 2018 7:17 pm

For people who put their supplies in a ziploc bag—how do you keep things like the wafer or barrier strips from getting bent or damaged? I need something about the size of the wafer, something with stiff sides like metal or hard plastic to keep things safe. The travel kits I got from Coloplast, Convatec, and Hollister when I first got my ostomy are useful, but are larger than I'd like for most purposes. I was thinking something like those metal tins the AOL trial CDs came in but a little larger. Is there anything like that out there?

Sep 04, 2018 7:19 pm

I don't carry any extra supplies and have never needed them.

The only exception is that I tuck a 1-ounce bottle of deodorizer in my pocket, wrapped in a baggie so it doesn't leak, if I will be in a situation where odors after emptying might be obnoxious to others, like on an airplane or visiting someone's house. Alternatively, some breath mints, which are even simpler to carry, will also do the trick.

Your tolerance for carrying things can easily change and become more relaxed if you go awhile and see you never need the supplies.

Sep 04, 2018 7:36 pm

For ladies, I imagine the dollar store would carry small makeup bags or travel kits for men. I get mine, that I pictured, here from Ipsy. I get 5 trial sizes of makeup every month and a new little bag! They are great because I only need one, so once I take the samples of makeup out, I fill them with sample sizes of soap, shampoo, razors, feminine needs, mouthwash, toothpaste, and any other hygiene things I can find and give them to the homeless around Christmas time. The wrapping it is mailed in is also usable for the same thing for the guys with like products.

Love reusing things!


Sep 04, 2018 7:37 pm

I use a small freezer bag with emergency supplies. I also have a children's snack bag which also does the job just as well. As I drive, I have a shopping bag with a change of clothing, small towel plus all the kit. If on foot, I have a rucksack with the above. A dress, T-shirt, and leggings are very thin and portable. The key for me is if anything goes wrong, I am prepared. Peace of mind.

It is a drag. It reminds me of my new status (March 21st, 2018) but I feel safe.

Hope this helps.


Newbie Dana
Sep 04, 2018 7:55 pm

I use a contact lens kit bag, which is about 6" x 4" x 1.5" and fits inside my purse. I keep several changes of pouches with disposal bags, one wafer, scissors to trim the wafer, some adhesive remover wipes, and a few moist towelettes. Probably not as light as many of you, but I had a bad experience once where I got diarrhea and suddenly filled 4 pouches! (I wear the 7" min sealed pouches because I am very short and the regular size or the resealable ones are too long for me to wear comfortably).

Harry A
Sep 04, 2018 8:25 pm

Small backpack might be the answer.

Sep 04, 2018 9:31 pm

Puppyluv56, I'm an Ipster, too and have that bag. I am currently using an older Ipsy bag for my supplies.

Little Red
Sep 04, 2018 9:45 pm

I carry a shoulder strap purse. I can carry extra undies and all the supplies I need, soft gauze sponges for wetting and clean up, and whatever I need for a complete change. I also carry a complete change of clothing in my car. But God forbid I ever need it, as most of the time I am by myself. LOL. I was out with a group for dinner one evening and sprung a leak. I had on light pink capris. Talk about a mess. I padded with TP, excused myself, and headed home. Hopefully that won't happen again.

Sep 04, 2018 11:27 pm

To Harry A, you write that you're sick every few days, but don't explain what's going on. Are you throwing up? Or developing loose stools, or pain? There could be many different reasons. First, of course, is to check with your doctor to make sure all the plumbing is working as it should. Second, is going back to a very basic diet...of easy-to-digest food, and (potato, bread, eggs, etc.) then add one food at a time. Dehydration is an issue for many people, and despite drinking about a gallon of water during the day, I can still get dehydrated. If the output is very liquid, you need to drink even more. I gave up "ice" for room temp water, so I can "chug more". Make sure to check the wafer/flange you're wearing, to make sure that nothing is hurting the stoma... Unless you have another intestinal condition, the kind of pain you describe is not the norm. My suspicion would be food, possibly backing up, and causing a blockage... which can lead to dehydration. Keep a food diary, and see if you can pin it down. Best of luck. Marsha

Sep 05, 2018 12:13 am


I love them and especially this one because it is round at the top which fits my pouches best. Still, my barrier strips get a little bent. I love getting the cosmetics too! I give most of them away, but they are fun to get in the mail!


Past Member
Sep 05, 2018 1:54 am

If I am going out of town, I have a big ziplock bag with at least everything needed for a complete change of my wafer, pouch, extra tape I use around the wafer (duoderm). I use a moldable wafer, so no scissors required. I often keep a grocery bag (to put waste in), some paper towels, and adhesive remover.

If I am just going out for part of the day, the only thing I carry is a small bottle of M9 Deodorizer drops. I bought a small bottle of hand sanitizer, emptied it all out, rinsed, and filled that up with the M9 so it's not awkward in my pocket. I use it every time, as that eliminates 100% of my ileostomy odor.

Sep 05, 2018 7:08 pm

I was given a bottle of M9 at the time of my surgery. It is odorless and I did not find it took the smells away. I bought some oils of lemongrass (not plain lemon) at Walmart and put 6 or so drops in that M9 bottle with some rubbing alcohol and it is awesome! I love the lemongrass smell but am thinking of cinnamon for the next time. This 5 bottle has already lasted 5 months and I still have better than half of it. I made a small bottle for my purse as well!


Sep 08, 2018 3:55 am

In my office bag, I always have a set: barrier ring, bag and barrier, paste, disposal bag, and cleaner.

Little Red
Sep 08, 2018 5:33 pm

I have noticed many when changing their colostomy mention using a cleaner. I was told to only use water because some many products contain perfumes, etc., that will cause the pouches to not stick. Can anyone let me know what they use?

Sep 08, 2018 7:44 pm

You can use the original "Yellow" Dial soap. My ostomy nurse told me this many years ago and I have used it ever since with good results.  

Little Red
Sep 08, 2018 9:21 pm

Mild Mannered, thanks for your reply. I will try Dial (yellow) and I hope there is a cleaning wipe that I can also carry in my supplies when out and about. Like some sort of wipes.

Sep 09, 2018 2:10 pm

I use Senicare adhesive remover after using just warm water, but I also keep wipes that contain no perfumes or the like that would prevent the pouch from sticking to your skin.


Little Red
Sep 09, 2018 11:31 pm

Thanks everyone. I would like to have the names of wipes that I can carry in my purse that will not cause my pouches to not stick.

Sep 18, 2018 12:50 am

Angelicamarie.... What do you use baby oil for? Thanks in advance