Recommendations for stoma powders?

Feb 08, 2020 6:04 am

Hi gang,

Need to order some more powdered ostomy sugar and looking at ingredients for the different brands doesn't tell me much. So just wondering if anyone has had issues with any brand of stoma powder?



Feb 08, 2020 11:55 am

Stomahesive, poudre protectrice, Made in Canada, doesn't carry the ingredients in it so difficult to tell the difference between it and the others. Offhand, I would say they are all the same. How much of it should be applied?

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Feb 08, 2020 5:03 pm

No, they are not the same. I can't use Hollister brand powder. A lot of them bother my stoma if you can believe that!

Past Member
Feb 08, 2020 5:44 pm

Hi Bob, the stoma powder I have is "Adapt". It's a white and red bottle. I don't know if it's a Hollister product (same colors). I can't say if it works well or not.

Feb 09, 2020 1:29 am

Hi guys,

Torquey.......glad you said something. I've been using ReliaMed stoma powder and am just about out. Was going to order some more and then found a couple bottles of the Adapt (yep, it's from Hollister) stoma powder, and was just going to use it. Now I'm not so sure I want to chance it. It would be nice if these ostomy product manufacturers listed what's in their products.......especially considering the large number of folks who have skin issues around their stoma. I doubt if anyone will get rich if they knew a manufacturer's "secret formula" for stoma powder. Just one more thing in that long list of things that piss me off about having a frontbutt.




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Feb 09, 2020 1:41 am

Bob, my stoma is just very sensitive. I bet the Adapt powder will work for you, and you can tell by just a little sprinkle. Most ostomy powders are made of ground pectin, which is also the main ingredient in the brown/tan parts on the bag that stick to your body around the stoma (not the bandage). Right now (although I do not have a fungal infection), I use Coloplast antifungal stoma powder because it's gentle and works just like any other. I had to write a statement of medical necessity to obtain it, as not all insurance plans will cover it. They would prefer you use basic stoma powder.

Feb 09, 2020 3:58 am

Hi T,

Hmmm...........didn't know stoma powder came in an anti-fungal version. You are schoolin' me big time, Sister. Thanks!!



Feb 09, 2020 8:23 pm

I have Hollister, Securi-T, and Convatec powders. I detect no difference nor allergies.

Feb 09, 2020 8:40 pm

This may sound dumb, but what is stoma powder?

Past Member
Feb 09, 2020 10:21 pm

Hi, currently it is used for a rash around the stoma, after it's all cleaned and ready for a new bag. If there is any irritation/rash, you sprinkle a bit on and (to my knowledge) take a damp paper towel and blot the excess powder off. Let it dry to where it's just a bit sticky and put the new bag on.

If someone has a correction, please add to this. We all benefit from anything that can be added.

Feb 10, 2020 12:25 am

Hey, current! So glad you asked, as there are no dumb questions here in the land of ostomies. Plus, if you asked, there are at least 100 folks beyond you with the same question. The stoma powder is used similar to most powders/talcs... to keep things dry. Just like using powder on a baby's bottom with a rash.

Feb 10, 2020 4:05 pm

Hmm... interesting answers from both of you. I was told by the ostomy nurse right after I got my wonderful frontbutt that ostomy powder was just routine and needed to be used each and every time a barrier was changed. No mention of it ever being optional and was told not to use a wet towel to pat dry, but to always use the prep wipe to make the powder "crust". As usual, two Ostomy Nurses can tell you two different answers to the same question. It's always good to hear other people's take on things we tend to take for granted. As Mulder said "Question EVERYTHING". Thanks guys.



PSTorqster... got your message and I tried the Adapt stoma powder this morning. If you never hear from me again, you'll know what happened. Just kidding... guess I shouldn't kid about that kind of stuff on here... people seem to disappear off this site in droves.


Feb 10, 2020 8:27 pm

The Adapt works wonderfully for us. It also helps with skin rash. We would not use anything else.

Feb 10, 2020 9:11 pm

I am having issues with red raw skin right where I use stoma powder and apply a ring on top of that. I am wondering the same thing. I have used Adapt, Brava, and salts?

Feb 10, 2020 10:00 pm

We have had skin rash, but not too often. Most of the time it's clear skin. What we do is clean around the stoma with warm water. After it's dry, we use Adapt 7906 Stoma powder every time and place it on the skin around the stoma. We then use 3m Cavilon No Sting barrier film 3344 on top of the stoma powder sparingly. Finally, we put a barrier ring on about a 1/8 gap around the stoma. This works great for us, and if a rash occurs, we simply follow this process and it usually clears up in 1-2 days.


Past Member
Feb 10, 2020 10:13 pm

I don't have any rashes and I do not use stoma powder. I have some that is about 2 years old but never have any occasion to use it. I just take off the bag, clean off the adhesive, put on a ring then the barrier and bag. Never have any skin problems.

Feb 11, 2020 1:51 am

Stoma adhesive powders are, in my experience, all the same. However, if you have inflammation around the stoma itself or irritation, there is a powder which is prescribed by a doctor. The cost is inexpensive but clears up and heals better than the powders we receive. It is called NYSTATIN. There is another purchased out of pocket that heals overnight for abrasions. It's in an individual blue tube for each use. Again, it's costly and not covered by insurance. MSKCC, Manhattan used it on me and told me I could purchase it from Amazon. I asked for a script and my insurance DID cover it. But not without prior approval nonsense. The name eludes me now but it starts with an "m", I'm sure someone else would know the name. In the meantime, I'll look for the name. However, it's used sparingly and only for wounds or severe abrasions. Gee, it sounds like so much fun. I should say it hurts like crazy going on, probably the reason I can't remember the name. I do know this, only use powders that your supply company sends for the stoma. The nurses have shared with me horror stories of things people have tried, after I picked my jaw up off the floor in dismay. I wouldn't improvise, stick to what the doctors and stoma nurses have found safe for the area. I hope this helps. The Nystatin is a powder that is a topical antibiotic of sorts. I don't feel pain when it goes on. I'm allergic to all adhesives, so I'm not having a party with this thing. My skin is super sensitive to latex, adhesives, plastic, and such.

Feb 11, 2020 2:52 am

Hi 1,

Yeah, I use the Nystatin... but the liquid, not the powder. It does seem to work keeping the skin free of irritation.



Feb 11, 2020 6:56 am


Feb 11, 2020 12:32 pm

There could be many reasons for those disappearances, Bob. Departure from this temporary abode called Earth is not the main one.

Feb 11, 2020 3:15 pm

 I cannot use that brand either; it burns me

Feb 12, 2020 4:51 am

I am not sure about different ingredients in the powder. I was taught to apply powder and dust off the extra powder. I use a skin barrier after that, just dab it on - don't rub it, air dry, then apply the wafer. Hope this helps.

Feb 12, 2020 1:08 pm

Thanks, Jodyskip.

Feb 12, 2020 3:09 pm

I've been the 'proud' mama of a 'frontbutt' for 4 years now... I was given it, and sent home and basically had to learn everything by myself... I receive my supplies through insurance, and about half of the stuff they send, I have no idea what it's for. I use ConvaTec transparent bags, cleaning wipes, and stomahesive only! Yes, I have many bottles of the powder, but don't know what it's for and have never used it... also, I have never had problems with my stoma... so far!! So, for someone who has no idea what they are doing, I guess I'm doing good... still don't like this life one little bit, don't understand why I've been spared while so many have been taken, but hey, my stoma is pink! So I'm guessing the powder is not a necessity????

Feb 12, 2020 4:51 pm

Redtop, the powder is first used to make sure your skin is dry. You dust a pinch all around the stoma. Next, you spread it evenly with a cotton ball or the tip of a facial tissue. Now, you are ready to spread the skin protectant. This technique is used to protect the skin from the flange adhesive, as well as from leaks. Go to YouTube and search for "Ostomy powder." You will see dozens of how-to videos.

Feb 13, 2020 2:48 am

Isn't it interesting how diverse what we were taught (in terms of how to care for your ostomy) actually is? You'd think maintaining an ostomy would be like normal skin wound care... clean, treat, and protect. I'd bet 99 percent of wound nurses would treat a cut the exact same way. So how come we each don't leave the hospital with our frontbutt and the same clear, concise instructions on how to maintain it? Obviously, there can be different situations for some ostomates depending on their actual stoma, but for the most part, would you really expect someone (and I'm not picking on anyone) just given a stoma to be allowed to leave the hospital without being taught what stoma powder is for? In my case, no one even mentioned separate barrier rings. Now maybe I didn't need one at that time, but why not give everyone the same tutorial before they head home and have to deal with a whole myriad of possible problems, armed with little to no information? Kinda pisses me off... if you can't tell that already.



Past Member
Feb 13, 2020 3:39 am

Hi Bob, when I first left the hospital, the nurses I had seemed to be on different pages, so I gleaned what I could. A month later, due to radiation and infection, they cut my rear end back open and I had to see (normally the same three nurses, they were good) wound care nurses (but sometimes others) 3 days a week for months. They would pack it and clean it, and then I had to go to a wound vacuum where my butt was taped with some kind of saran wrap (I call it). This airtight with a vacuum pump drawing the infection out. Gross, sorry. Anyway, the three good nurses did well, but a few others, I have to say, it hurt and was a nightmare. Yes, some nurses know how to do things properly and tell you how to use the products and what to expect, and others do not.

Feb 13, 2020 4:04 am

Hi Mountain,

Yes, good point you bring up... nurses are as varied as flowers! You'd think they'd all be taught the same stuff in nursing school, but that just can't be (based on how differently they do things). I was just having a similar conversation with the lady who drew my blood at the local LabCorp for a routine CBC. I was telling her how amazing it was that with all the practice people who draw blood get, you'd think they'd all be real good at it. Yet some have to take that needle and dig and dig until they hit a nerve... then they help you down from the ceiling and go get someone else to try sticking you. And then there are others, like the gal I was talking to, who just tap your arm once or twice, say "ok, a little stick" and then slip it in your vein so fast you don't even realize they're drawing.

One time when I was in the hospital they tried at least 6 times to get an IV in my right arm, but my arm was swollen, so they were just taking pot shots. After the 6th time (this was the 3rd nurse to try, as they each took 2 shots before asking someone else to try) the nurse said "hold on... I'm gonna call so-and-so". About 5 minutes later this elderly nurse comes in, says "hi" and asks me what my name is. So I tell her and she says she's here to get my IV started. I told her good luck and she just said "don't worry, this will just take a second". So I show her my puffy forearm, fully expecting her to mumble "oh shit" or something like that, but she didn't even flinch. She just grabbed my arm, no tourniquet or "make a fist" or anything. Said "ok, on three" and on two stuck it right in and got it. Then she just turned around like it was nothing, said "have a nice night" and disappeared.

So yeah, the differences in levels of expertise in nursing is huge!

