Cheers to Amazing Ostofriends on International Women's Day!

Mar 08, 2020 11:46 pm

"Happy International Women's Day"

To all amazing lady Ostofriends... Cheers!


Mar 09, 2020 1:18 am

Well... Thank you for reminding us, Ange!!! Happy International Women's Day! Ummm... How many of you gals are international women? Well, it doesn't matter... For those of you who are... Enjoy your day!!



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Mar 09, 2020 1:19 am

Thank you!

Mar 09, 2020 1:57 am

Wishing you Gals the best for the next 364.



Mar 09, 2020 2:30 am

Back atcha Ange,



Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Mar 09, 2020 3:29 am

Shoots; thank you for reminding me, Ange, as I am home under the weather a tad.

For the last three years, I have participated in local marches.

The theme for International Women's Day 2020 is: I am Generation Equality: "Realizing Women's Rights." It has really taken a long time - decades to be exact - and is still taking time realizing this expectation. Wishing all the ladies on this site a day filled!


Mar 09, 2020 3:40 am

Enjoy your Woman's Day, but when is it my day?

Mar 09, 2020 6:32 am

Hi Xnine 

It's always your day.

Mar 09, 2020 6:34 am


Is there an International Man's Day? nbsp;

Mar 09, 2020 6:38 am

Hi Karen... hope you feel better soon.


ron in mich
Mar 09, 2020 1:57 pm

Hi all, I had my day yesterday, so Happy Women's Day to all.

Mar 09, 2020 2:04 pm

Many good wishes to all the ladies who appear on these pages. This day is celebrated universally, Bob, so that makes Ange as international as any of the others.

Mar 09, 2020 9:25 pm

Thanks, Ange. The same to you and to all the ladies.

Mar 09, 2020 11:56 pm

Oh, you can bet your bottom bippie there is!!! It's November 19th this year and you can read all about it in the link below.

For those who can't read or are too lazy to click the link, here's part of what it says:

What is International Men's Day?

International Men's Day, observed on November 19, focuses on men's health, improving gender relations, highlighting male role models, and promoting positive expressions of masculinity. It's also an opportunity to recognize men who don't fall into traditional manifestations of masculinity, such as gay and bisexual men, transgender, or masculine non-binary people.

History of International Men's Day

In 1968, an American journalist named John P. Harris wrote an editorial highlighting a lack of balance in the Soviet system, which promoted an International Women's Day for female workers but failed to deliver a male counterpart. Harris stated that though he agreed there should be a day to celebrate women, the day served as a flaw within the communist system.

In the early 1990s, Thomas Oaster, the director of the Missouri Center for Men's Studies, invited organizations in the U.S., Australia, and Malta to hold small International Men's Day events during the month of February. Oaster successfully hosted these events for two years, but his 1995 attempt was poorly attended. Discouraged, he ceased plans to continue the function. Australia followed suit, making Malta the sole country to continue celebrating.

In 1999, Trinidad and Tobago revived the day, thanks to Jerome Teelucksingh from the University of the West Indies. He realized that even though there was a day for fathers, there was no day to celebrate men who didn't have kids or who were young boys and teenagers. Teelucksingh understood the importance of positive male role models, as his father had been an excellent example for him, and chose to celebrate International Men's Day on November 19 - the day of his father's birthday as well as the day a local soccer team had united his country with their endeavors to qualify for the World Cup.

Since Teelucksingh's revival, International Men's Day has served to promote positive aspects of male identity based on the premise that men respond more constructively to positive role models than to negative gender stereotyping. The day is not intended to compete with International Women's Day, but to highlight the importance of men's physical and mental health and positive masculinity.

Whooo Ray for MEN! And AH-HA! I gotcha. If you can't read, then posting the info here won't help ya. You didn't catch that, did ya?



Mar 10, 2020 12:28 am

Hey Bob,

Some men just need to change their status updates to "needs attention." (She said smiling):K

Mar 10, 2020 10:02 am

Thanks Bowsprit

So there Bob... stick that in your Popeye pipe and smoke it. Bahahahaha (she said sticking out her tongue)
