Ostomy pouch belt - necessary or not?

Feb 07, 2021 11:43 am

I am very adventurous and love trying new things as it's the only thing left that uses the words 'I have guts', but with this issue I'm not that gutsy!
I'm a high constant output ileostomy gal. I use as my sidekick a Hollister Cera Premium convex holster which has clips on the sides. I use the 1-inch wide belt to clip on;. Do I need to wear this belt? I'm afraid the entire appliance will just drop off..like dropping my drawers of sorts... So my question is, does anyone omit the belt without an issue? I enjoy my freedoms of total nakedness and this belt is under the category of clothing making me a liar, I just came to realize and I honestly don't lie. Ritz

Feb 07, 2021 1:11 pm

Ritz, I use Hollister too and do NOT wear a belt.  I did use a belt decades ago when I had a heavier appliance, but I haven't worn one since I can remember.  The belt was always a nuisance for me.  It would sometimes ride up and be annoying.  Since going to the lightweight Hollister Cera premium, I've never had a problem doing away with a belt. 

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Feb 07, 2021 2:15 pm

I use Hollister also. I wear a belt but I think it is just a mental thing giving a sense of security without actually giving me any real security. I can only remember one time when my bag was totally full and heavy that it may have helped. I must think about losing the belt.

Past Member
Feb 07, 2021 4:13 pm

Try going without wearing a belt when you're staying home for the day or a few days and see how it goes.

I've had a high water output for around 20 years now and never used a belt for support.

Feb 07, 2021 5:11 pm

Hi Ritzer,

I too have a high (constant and mostly liquid) output stoma, so I can relate. Here's the deal with the belt.........do you need it......no. Like X said, it's a mental thing. If you snag your bag on something bad enough to either remove the bag or pull off your barrier.........the belt won't stop it from happening. But why I wear mine is because if I spring a leak while out and about.....the belt will hold the barrier in place against my abs while I'm panicking and going wherever I have to go to fix the problem, which is usually not close. It's hard to drive and do things with one hand holding your barrier against your body. Without it, a barrier leak combined with the weight of a full or filling bag of liquid could cause the whole barrier to peel off my skin as the fluid from the leak destroys the barrier adhesion. And then what are you gonna do?

So for me, it's a safety net when out and about. I wear it 24/7 because if I took it off while home I'd forget to put it on before I went outside, sure as shit. It did take me years to get used to it on me, and like Henry said, it does droop and get tight as my body changes or moves.......but like Linus, it's my security blanket and I'm never without it. For you lovers of nakedity........take it off while home and hang it on the door so you see it and put it on when you're about to go out. I'd do that, but my house has too many doors. Guess you could also keep one in the car, but my experience with stuff like that is no matter where you put it.......it won't be where you need it........when you need it. So I just wear it. Hope that helps.




Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Feb 07, 2021 5:34 pm

To prevent my bag from falling off to the floor or if the clip fails, especially when I am at work or riding public transit, or hiking or eating new foods at a restaurant, I wear light control high-waisted underpants and go up one size so the bag has room to grow. It keeps everything inside until you can get your emergency supplies. Also, it is easy to pull the bag out and empty since the underpants are a little big. I buy the kind made of nylon because it stretches and is very thin, so less bulk but nice protection against any spills. Think of Bridget Jones' granny panties!

Feb 07, 2021 9:56 pm

Well... I can't thank you all for your insights. So with that said, I'll continue to wear it when I'm out working in the yard, hiking, and swimming. But at home and with my bedtime, I'm stripping it off! What a feeling of independence, yippie!!

Feb 08, 2021 3:21 pm

First 24 hours without the belt. Now I don't even realize I'm toting my bag! Love my newfound freedom... at least until it falls one day!

Feb 08, 2021 3:36 pm

Gravity may affect other parts of our bodies, but I think your ostomy pouch is immune as long as it's attached normally.  Enjoy your freedom, kid!

Past Member
Feb 09, 2021 3:22 pm

Yipeeeeeeeeeeeee Freedom! Keep up being belt free, you know you like it!

As long as the bag doesn't get too full, it won't fall off. Trust me, I have 20 years experience in high output and still learning lol

Feb 10, 2021 3:11 am

Panther... I must admit there is a big difference. I even ran and biked and did yard work with no belt today, but simply just sleeping not feeling a belt on me is WONDERFUL!

Feb 10, 2021 5:49 am

So much for bondage... oh well!


Feb 10, 2021 11:25 am

Being Bob.... There's a huge difference between beige elastic ugly belt and long wide strips of secure satin! 
Racing mind Ritz!

Feb 10, 2021 5:14 pm

You did say you like to try new things!


Feb 11, 2021 12:41 am

Big Bad Bob..., doesn't everyone? That's what life's all about, take a plunge into it, what the hell!!!

Feb 11, 2021 1:32 am

So much for "look before you leap", eh?  Ha ha!  I hear ya.  Enjoy your newfound freedom!!!! We got to take it where we can get it!!


Feb 11, 2021 2:50 am

Any ideas where I can get it? 

Feb 11, 2021 3:21 am

Ritz... you're making this WAY too easy, girl.    


Feb 11, 2021 4:41 am

LOL... A good sense of humor is a good thing, or am I sincere?!

Feb 11, 2021 11:29 am

Sometimes... a little playful banter goes a long way.   And putting a smile on someone's face... is never a bad thing!    



Feb 28, 2021 5:57 am

Get... a... freaking... room!!!!

Mar 03, 2021 9:19 am

We did! Now we're bored... and looking for a third... any ideas where we could find someone???


Mar 03, 2021 2:41 pm

LOL.... LOL! Somewhere out there!!! Gotta love this fun... Ritz

Mar 05, 2021 1:20 pm

You did? Gee, where are the photos then? I know you, Bob, from NJ. Bad boys.   And if you're taking   volunteers?   Me! Me! Me!    

Mar 05, 2021 1:35 pm

Warrior and Bob, you guys are just too much fun!! The Jersey Bad Boys and the Jersey Girl, what a mix!! Gotta love our sense of humor and adventure!!

Back to my main topic, yes, belt freedom (of one sort) is quite invigorating. Thanks, boys, for making my day! nbsp

Mar 05, 2021 1:54 pm

Hi Ritz,

I think using a belt, the 1-inch wide type that securely attaches to the wafer I use, plus a wrap around, gives me more peace of mind than not wearing anything at all to support the appliance. Think about not having a support system and hernia? I mean that is likely going to happen over time even with a support system. Yes, wearing both does make you sweat and feel a bit warm but the security as well as the support is there. I am sure you saw people noting their stories of hernia. I do not have one but I plan to make it not happen by using a two-part support system. Yeah, it scares me to think to undergo another surgery for finding a sense of temporary freedom isn't worth it. I guess... hmm comparing it to Bob, wearing his favorite bra. (Bob, you know the one I sent you for your bday)... and if not, he bounces all over, you know... and that gotta hurt... ouch... any man/crossdresser (heehee sorry Bob couldn't resist) has to keep those puppies close. Sure, it is liberating not wearing a bra but damn, time will catch up to you... and eventually, they (your puppies) will be sitting at your elbows. Talk about unseeing an image. - Warrior