Ostomy Memories of Good Health

Jul 16, 2021 7:43 am

NO ONE KNOWS BETTER the significance of good health than the people on this website. Nothing makes more evident the joys of feeling healthy than having experienced the various devastating maladies that resulted in ostomies. Perhaps – like those mask and vaccine avoiders now hospitalized with Covid – a few of us learned this lesson a bit late. But good health habits are still good, even if it took us awhile to catch on. Occasionally, I will confess, I can lose my grip on the necessities of diet management. “The only way to keep your health,” said Mark Twain, “is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” I’m still working hard to convince myself that breakfast need not be followed by dessert. I’m at a loss to understand how I could have quit smoking cold turkey, never to go back to it, yet I can’t bring myself to stop snacking. I’m eating pretzels as I type this post! Better than ice cream, I guess. That was yesterday.

Jul 16, 2021 7:50 am

Put the pretzels in the ice cream, Henry.

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Jul 16, 2021 8:14 am

Hello, OMG! HenryM, so true! I too stopped smoking 🚬 cold turkey and adopted a healthy diet. But at times, I agree, those snacky snacks 😋 mercy, they get us in trouble, lol.

Psssss... AXL, your combo (pretzels and ice cream) sounds yummy 😋. 🤣 I mean carrots 🥕🤣😉

Gn 🌙💤 Enjoy 🥳 all!

Jul 16, 2021 9:03 am

Yes, Henry, I also managed to quit smoking... cold turkey in May 1983.

I don't know the exact date, but I regard it as one of my greatest achievements. I was so proud of myself.

Speaking of achievements, this pearl of wisdom came across my desk last week from that well-known modern-day American philosopher, Homer J. Simpson.

He was addressing his eldest daughter... "Lisa, you're my greatest achievement and you've done it all yourself."

Keep well and Covid safe.😄


ron in mich
Jul 16, 2021 12:43 pm

Hi all, I have never smoked as I have asthma and allergies, and cigarette smoke really bothers me. But snacking, now that's another story. As I am sitting here on the computer with coffee in hand, I'm thinking about what to get for a snack, and I just had breakfast half an hour ago. I don't have to worry about weight gain as I've always been skinny, and my ileo doesn't help. And if there's fresh bakery in the house, I'm on it.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
