New Ostomy Solution - TIES Implant - A Game Changer?

Sep 18, 2021 8:04 am
Reply to Dlynn

Hello Deanna.

Thanks for your posts and questions. I see that you already have a video to watch, which will give you a good idea as to what is involved in irrigation. Like most things in life, there are variations on the theme to suit different people with different circumstances. 

My irrigation technique and routine has changed a few times over the years to suit whatever was happening at the time- like quantity and consistency of output; whether my colonic peristalsis was working effeciently or whether it was sluggish; what shape and direction the stoma channel took; the effects of a peristomal hernia; and a muscle contraction which caused a blockage necessitating a longer tube than was afforded by the cone.  

At present, my own routine is every 24 hrs rather than 2 days; I use a pressurised water container rather than the hanging water 'bag' system; I also use a lot more water than the video recommends and I sometimes go through the procedure a couple of times before the colon is empty of faeces;  I irrigate in the evening so that the procedure is finished before bedtime, but I continue to wear the irrigation sleeve overnight, just in case there is any residual/ late output.

There are lots of suggestions and discussions about irrigation in the 'COLLECTIONS' - 'Premium Content' - 'Irrigation', which illustrate how many different approaches different people have tried for this technique. There are also several other videos on you tube which show slightly different, practical  techniques from people who are ostomates, rather than the 'official' version presented in the video suggested.

I do hope you manage to irrigate successfully as you will find that life gets much easier.

Of course, if you have any further questions as you proceed, don't hesitate to ask.

Best wishes


Shitt Happens
Sep 18, 2021 1:47 pm

Thanks Bill, you gave a very nice explanation. I wanted her to see the basis of the irrigation by video so that she could have an idea. And yes, you are right, there are a multitude of ways to irrigate, you just need to know your body and this is done with trial and error, but you must not give up, life simplifies with this method. Have a nice day!

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Feb 26, 2024 6:01 pm

Hi, before my bags, I was regular like clockwork after a strong coffee and breakfast in the morning, but now with bags, there is no clockwork time. Just know that normally you will have output after you have eaten, or you can slow things down with meds like loperamide if you are going out to a restaurant or an appointment at the dentist or surgeon.

Does anyone have a go-to food and drink that makes them evacuate their bowels much quicker just to get the deed out of the way sooner rather than later with a colostomy? Thx 😊