Scabby crust around stoma - need advice!

Aug 16, 2021 8:10 pm

I noticed this yesterday, it is on the bottom so you cannot really see it from the top. I have been sitting in the tub for over an hour and it has not softened up much. I may call the nurses but thought I would try here first. Would it be from laying on my stomach? But I have done that before. My new Salts drops? It is just weird.

Past Member
Aug 17, 2021 4:45 am

Is it possible your wafer was cut a little too close? Or somehow rubbed against the stoma?

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Aug 17, 2021 5:02 am

Nurse at first look pics said there is nothing to worry about. See what she says tomorrow. My flanges are pre-cut and are not tight.

Aug 18, 2021 12:14 am

Wow X,

Hope you find the cause and cure soon. Anything need is worrisome!! Keep us posted!


Aug 19, 2021 12:29 am

Going to the nurse tomorrow. Said it was an ulcer. They just want to have a look. If that is what is on the outside, what is on the inside.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Aug 19, 2021 7:37 pm

Necrotic slough, watch it and send more pics. Nurse and doc looked at it. If they are not worried, I am not worried.

Aug 24, 2021 12:20 pm

Looks much better today. Cannot think of any trauma that may have caused it. See what the nurse says.

Aug 31, 2021 10:25 pm

I am watching it and sent more pics. It has moved from the bottom to the side. Nurse is going to talk to Doc again.

Sep 08, 2021 9:39 pm

Doc said to stop using the Salts drops and things are much improving. He wanted to do a biopsy and now has canceled it. Saves me a trip to the hospital. Looking better every day.