Anxious about upcoming surgery, need advice on ileostomy vs. colostomy

Past Member
Oct 29, 2021 3:27 am

Well, I have been so anxious over my appointment with my good surgeon on Monday. My good doctor said most surgeons like to wait 6 months, and in a week it will be 5 months. My last bad surgeon, who gave me a mess, said my colon is basically shot. I don't know if I want to believe him. My biggest fear is not waking up with a stoma, but it might be an ileostomy. I might be mistaken, but don't the liquids burn your skin and you flow all the time? I don't really know the difference between ileostomy and colostomy, but my colostomy usually shuts down for the night. I've only had about three nights when I was up emptying the bag. I have been feeling sick, like prior to my emergency surgery, and my good doctor and I agreed I could have sprung a small leak. Or my really sick gallbladder is acting up. He said make sure to tell the good surgeon, and he might take me in sooner. He said I have to be my own best advocate. My luck with my health has been rotten, so now I think it will take a turn and it will all be okay. I am okay if I wake up with a true rosebud stoma, but for a colostomy, the bad surgeon really botched up by taking only a small piece and then not hooking me back up. Then he tells me I have a 10% chance of this happening again. I am sure glad I found all of you. If I was ten years younger, oh, but I am not. Okay, your turn.

Past Member
Oct 29, 2021 6:46 pm

Thanks Ritz, that makes it a bit easier. I have been the most unlucky for over a year; it just keeps coming at me. One illness after another. Even my friends don't know what to say anymore. So, going in for surgery, I just have no clue what he will be able to save. I am having diverticulitis pain off and on for a week now because the idiot surgeon didn't take all the diseased part. Oh well, I now have two great doctors and have great confidence they will do their best.

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Past Member
Oct 30, 2021 1:06 am

I have an order for a CT scan but no one has called. I see him on Monday and assume he won't be doing it the same day. Lolol, but I will ask him to clarify that order so we can get it done ASAP. My good physician says to make sure the gallbladder comes out at the same time. Better recovery once than twice. You seem very wise and give great advice.

As for my beliefs, it was a funny thing when I knew I was dying and a large part of me was all excited. In the Book of Enoch, we get to go to one of the four delightful places. I wouldn't mind that at all, and if that is not enough for me... I remember doing a funeral service once and I shared. I don't know what "dead in Christ" means or "asleep in Christ". I only get excited because it is in Christ. I am one of those who looks at what is happening in the world and connects it with the Bible. My pastor friends get freaked out by me because I am bored to tears with the same sermons over and over when there is so much more. Oh, and mention unicorns, fire-breathing dragons, dinosaurs, and UFOs - all found in the Bible. If it was older days, I would be burned at the stake for being a heretic. Not me, I believe in a living God and have actually witnessed for myself some wonderful things he has done... I find the Bible to be the most fascinating book. People read it wrong. You have to pick a topic, then find all the verses that go along with it. Then you see the bigger picture. God never makes it easy, we have to hunt. I am the female version of Indiana Jones.

Oh oh, here is something I found in ancient writings. When Adam and Eve had children, they always had twins. So Cain was supposed to marry Abel's sister, who was homely, while Cain's sister was a knockout. We are told that God loved Abel more and Cain was jealous of that and killed his brother, or the true story that he wanted to marry his own sister. Hmmmm, which one is true? Well, in the Bible, it has a short blurb and says Cain married his sister. Now, regarding incest, that was not an issue. In Deuteronomy, the law against marrying your family members was started, and that is when it was considered incest. Remember, humans had to be prolific in the beginning. Okay, you will learn not to get me started. Lolol.

Past Member
Oct 31, 2021 7:05 pm

Hi Bob, you are most wise and I shall share just one story of what makes me a believer. I can't help myself. I am not religious, I am spiritual. Huge difference. The most interesting miracle I ever witnessed and was part of was at the homeless shelter. I did a weekly get-together. After we were finished, a gal comes charging into the room. "Chaplain, don't leave." I just smiled and asked her what she needed. "I am sick of all these voices in my head." "Oh, you're the one." Sometime earlier, I had a vision. Someone knocked on my chest, I opened the door, and Jesus was standing there. He picked up a broom and swept out my house. I asked if it was for me, but no, not this one. So I took her over to sit down. To this day, I don't know if I told her Jesus would be there, but I know for a fact I didn't tell her about the broom. So we said a short prayer and I asked her who was there. She said Jesus and what else do you see? A broom. We'll hand it to Him and He swept out her house. She left. One week later, she is charging into the room again. This time she shares the voices are gone and she would like to know more about Jesus. It always blows me away. Those 7 years were the best ever. I had 6 different groups and I was a witness to a lot.

Ok, so yesterday I was in the ER most of the day. Friday, vomit all night long, was exhausted and terrible cramps. They took the CT scan and said colitis and said a lot of stool was seen. So the ER doc is all happy I am constipated and gives me MOM. My good surgeon was on call, so lucky for me he will have more reasons to open me up. I am very weary of being sick.

On a happier note, I just got my bed frame for my van conversion. The hideaway seats are all pulled up, now I have to find where to take them. There are some BLM lands within an hour of where I live. I would love to go and sit by the river, maybe get a fishing license. After the snow and hopefully surgery, I am going to the coast. I am going to learn how to meander. I really don't know how. I am a type A all the way. So go down the Oregon coast and then go see my son and wife and kids in N California. My cat loves the stroller I got for her and me. She won't walk on a harness anymore, so I got this for her. She only fusses when I stop to talk to someone. Ok, done for now, this cramping is not fun and it looks like I am bleeding a bit. Bye.