Jeans That Fit Comfortably with a Waistline Ostomy

Jun 06, 2022 2:03 pm

I have had a 'Waisteline' colostomy now for almost 3 years and would like to share a new 'find', for those in my situation  looking for a nice pair of jeans. I happened upon an ad for a brand called 'The Perfect Jean'. While the advertising is a little over the top (targeted at a younger crowd?) the jeans themselves look great and have the kind stretch that makes working with my ostomy so much easier and most importantly, comfortable! You can check them out here -



Past Member
Jun 06, 2022 2:13 pm

Well I'm disappointed these are only for guys. 🙁

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Jun 06, 2022 2:45 pm

Walmart also has jeans with stretch. 

Jan 21, 2024 12:17 am

I feel ya, mate, jeans shopping with an ostomy can be a real ride. I've got a solution though. Have you tried men's patchwork jeans before? They could give you the comfort and aesthetic you're after. Try checking out this link I found: It could be the right stop for your hunt. Just food for thought. Good luck with it.