Barrier Ring Issues with Heat and Activity

Jun 30, 2022 11:45 pm

Is anyone having issues with their ring barrier "melting out of the skin barrier"? I have used a 2-pc system going on 5 years now. Within the past year I have been experiencing melt downs when the outside temp is 85 degrees & up. Especially when I play golf, work in the yard, wash our cars, etc. I called the manufacturer and asked if they have changed their manufacturing process or ingredients used to make the ring barriers. Of course, they said no and acted like I am the only one having these issues. I used to get 4 to 5 days of use per change in the first 4 years. Now I am lucky to get 4 days. Are there other systems designed for the active lifestyle? Would like to hear from anyone that has experienced the same issues.


Jul 01, 2022 12:19 am

Hi ,  I have noticed that the  Sticky bit is getting thinner and thinner over the years . The  "Eakin Seal "  helps a lot with this problem  , it more than Doubles the thickness so the " Stinky " will not eat through the  barrier as quickly . I found that the really hot weather makes mine stick even better but it   also Thins out the Sticky bit and makes the whole thing thinner .  You should try the Eakin  4 Inch  pre-cut   seal  under  the sticky part  that's attached to the Bag . My Nephew works at  Hollister here in Ireland  and the newer type Bags are  pretty useless ...for most people . The older Models are better  . I use a One Piece  Hollister with the Concave Wafer , curves inward for a tighter seal and has a firm plastic part  over the Wafer to hold it tight into the Stoma .

   Best of luck ,  Magoo   ☘😎👍

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Jul 01, 2022 9:52 pm
Reply to Mayoman

Thanks Magoo! I now use a Hollister 2 pc system. It has always been fine. Just in the last year have I noticed they don't last as long and when it gets hot the wafer melts out of the skin barrier. I had an ostomy nurse when I first had my ostomy. We tried several different styles & brands and at that time the 2pc pouch system seemed to work the best. I'll try the Eakin Seal. I am ready to place an order soon and want to try something different.
