Questioning Convatec Adhesive Remover Wipes: Unrealistic Advertising and High Prices

Feb 01, 2023 2:03 pm

Looking for adhesive remover wipes (on Amazon) and thought I would try the Convatec brand. While scrolling through, I saw the photo of the young lady and child on a beach. Well, I would LOVE to conduct a poll and see how many people run around in public with their bag out, flopping unsecured in the breeze. I am confused. This young lady may or may not be an ostomate. If she is an ostomate, why agree to such an outrageous and unrealistic pose?

Second point, why so much? At 0.86 a piece, this seems like a high price.

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Feb 01, 2023 2:44 pm

Hi there,

Medical Monks is the cheapest I have found to buy ostomy supplies, if you haven't checked them out already and they are quick to ship as well.

Normally, I agree with you. I have seen them advertise different products on people that clearly don't have one. This picture, though, is a bit harder to tell; it looks real. I am not sure what you mean by letting the bag flop around? I go around with the bag normally all the time, there's nothing wrong with letting your bag hang out and being shown.

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Feb 01, 2023 3:14 pm

Quite a lot to be honest do now, have a look on social media in ostomy groups it's the in thing to do and to take photos on the beach and other places with your bag out on show (usually pointing at their bag with their finger I don't get the pointing at it bit) and most of the women have cracking bodies just as the lady in your photo does! It's ostomy awareness.

Look at amputees a lot walk around with legs of trousers/tops cut off to show their artificial limbs with pride to show it's nothing to fear and they are proud of them and they can live a normal life just as we all do, that's how I see showing bags as too.

I was on beaches, gardening, washing the car 30 years ago with my top off just because I was hot just as I did before having an ostomy not for awareness before these young ones that do it now were even born so it's nothing new, but they make me feel so old seeing them do it lol

Feb 01, 2023 3:17 pm

Actually, she does have an ostomy. I know her personally, and she went through hell and now lives a healthy, happy life as an influencer with an ostomy. You can follow her on Instagram for sure and probably a bunch of other sites, along with a ton of other ostomates that let their bags blow in the wind. Give it a try.

Feb 01, 2023 5:11 pm

"Outrageous and unrealistic pose". How is holding a kid on a beach either of those 2 things? She is advertising for an ostomy product, kinda makes sense to show her ostomy. I bet Jake from State Farm commercials drive you nuts, he wears a State Farm shirt, how unrealistic.

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
Feb 01, 2023 5:17 pm

By the way, I've never tried them, but you can get 100 Medline remover wipes for about $9 on Amazon. It doesn't seem like a "crazy" price. &zwj

Staten island lady
Feb 01, 2023 6:11 pm

I think it's the craziest thing ever. I have had my ileostomy for many years and no one ever knew about it. If you want to show your bag, as they call it, do it on an ostomy place for products, not in public. It seems like it's no big deal that we had to have this done to our bodies. I guess I'm old school, but I prefer it my way. I'm very grateful to be here and living my life, but I don't have to show my battle scars.

Feb 01, 2023 7:38 pm

That's fine if you don't want to. Everyone has their choice, and for those that choose not to, that's your choice. But there is also the choice of the ones that choose and want to show it off. So the ones that are proud to show it off aren't crazy at all. I don't care who knows I have one. I'm proud to show it off, I am beautiful, I am strong. I honestly think the whole world needs to see it. No one knows what an ostomy is, how it works, or what we have to go through on a daily basis. We are the forgotten ones. Even more of a reason not only to show it proudly but also raise awareness. It's a beautiful thing what we have, God has given us a new life where we can enjoy life and live without being bogged down with the illness we have had and the tears and frustration of being sick all the time, being poked and prodded till the cows come home. So for me, it's not crazy. For me, it's a beautiful proud life and I will show it off all day long. Honestly, my self-esteem rose when I got my ileostomy. I have more now than I ever have had.

Feb 01, 2023 8:29 pm

Both she and the child look very happy and content. That's what counts.

Feb 01, 2023 8:36 pm

She has the scar, I think it is real.

Feb 01, 2023 9:28 pm
Reply to Beth22

So well put Beth! I totally agree with you. I am not ashamed of my ostomy, not one bit, and if I felt like showing it off, I would feel free to do just that, wherever I want, and with no judgment. I don't personally, but I applaud those who do. I think you are advancing the knowledge and acceptance by the general public by doing that, and it's a good thing. The two main reasons I don't are, one, my two-piece bathing suit wearing days are long passed, and two, my pouch of choice is a Hollister, and when it has any output in it, it is clearly visible to anyone. The fabric is so thin, one of my only beefs about the product. For me, it's just not a pretty sight to force on people. I've come to accept it and not be grossed out by it, but I don't expect that from everyone else.


Feb 01, 2023 10:39 pm
Reply to Cplumber

Glad to know this is a real ostomate and not some actor.

I am old school and will not have my bag out for the world to see. :)

Past Member
Feb 01, 2023 10:44 pm

Each to their own, I don't do it, but I have nothing but admiration for those who let it all hang out!

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Feb 01, 2023 11:27 pm

That is a hard one showing your bag in public... to me it's like bending over and showing my butthole for everyone to see.

My bag is usually not that clean either.

Feb 02, 2023 12:27 am

Lots of caring and thoughtful people on this forum, but I don't think people at large really care if you have a stoma or not or know what a stoma is. If the person in question is attractive like this one some are silly enough, like me, to think it is a fashion fad, especially if it was holstered in a pretty bag like some that are available. That old saying: "Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone" has some ending words that are not often displayed, they are " because this silly old world has enough troubles of its own."

Feb 02, 2023 8:33 am
Reply to Anonymous

Oh yeah, they do have ostomies.

Feb 02, 2023 2:18 pm

Not a lot of pictures of guys out there with their ostomy bags showing, so I think I will get the ball rolling with this cute little crop top. Let me know what you think.

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Feb 02, 2023 4:26 pm
Reply to Cplumber

Where's your bag?

Feb 02, 2023 4:31 pm

Hi dmo,

Yeah, the price of ostomy supplies is nuts these days, but what isn't? I was running low on barriers, since they switched me to a smaller size after my revision a week or so ago, and all I have on hand are larger ones. So rather than put my usual 90-day order in through my insurance and take a guess at what size my stoma would finally morph into... I figured I'd just buy a box off Amazon when needed as my stoma's size adjusted post-surgery. I was a bit shocked to see a barrier costs like 8 each (40 per box of 5)... and that was the cheapest price on there!! I guess we take for granted that insurance deals with that mess... but if we had to pay out of pocket... it would be hard to stomach the costs.


Feb 02, 2023 5:49 pm
Reply to Cplumber

Seeing someone's ostomy bag is no big deal, but seeing that image just can't be unseen. Let's keep skin-tight clothing to the ladies, we will all be better off.

Feb 02, 2023 6:58 pm

How fat dudes show their bag off.....

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Ladies, control yourselves.

Past Member
Feb 03, 2023 12:02 am
Reply to Cplumber

LOL! That's not an ostomate....

...THIS is an ostomate!

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Anyone know if he's on this site?! LOL!

Feb 03, 2023 2:51 am
Reply to Anonymous

Look above your post, I just left my shirt on.

Past Member
Feb 03, 2023 3:15 am
Reply to AlexT

I thought he looked familiar!

Feb 03, 2023 11:16 am
Reply to AlexT

You go AlexT!! Show it off!!

Feb 03, 2023 7:31 pm
Reply to AlexT

Awesome!!! You guys are way braver than I am. Great to see the men represent!!!

Feb 04, 2023 9:43 pm

Yes, she is legit. I followed her account when I first got my ostomy. Instagram has a lot of ostomates that represent with their bag out to bring awareness and body positivity. I have not been able to be this confident. As for the wipes, that price is about right. I use the Coloplast brand. If you are in the US, you can definitely get sticker shock. There are discount sites on the Ostomy 101 site. Best of luck to you!

Feb 21, 2023 6:48 pm
Reply to Beth22

This doesn't count as public since it's in my home gym in my basement but thought I'd share, a bit late on this post I know but I don't get to read this site every day. I've had the hernia surgery to insert the mesh piece which has allowed me to lift weights again similar to before my ileostomy. Would not recommend lifting heavy weights otherwise and also the use of a hernia belt while doing it. I'm strange possibly from most in that I like to use a clear bag to see that things are moving correctly and if the output is thick or liquid, I probably like clear because twice I've had a blockage and just gives me peace of mind to see the output moving correctly for me.

My first post on the advice of my therapist. Marriage therapist that is. Advised me to seek out a group like this. I put all my eggs in one basket, my wife, so to speak and now that is not working out so I need to seek other connections she said, sadly my 2 best friends have both passed quite young. Great advice. I'd never had therapy before marriage therapy that turned into my own one on one therapy with another therapist which is the best thing ever. Highly recommended to all, even strong macho guys (that's not me at all). Sorry to ramble in my first post, this is an amazing site and I've read tons and learned things on here I never knew even after almost 8 years with an ostomy.

Shout out to Beth, hope to at some point have the confidence of you to do this in public perhaps. On a beach not just walking around without a shirt in general that is.

Feb 21, 2023 11:23 pm

Welcome to the site, Rocky!


Feb 21, 2023 11:27 pm
Reply to RockyB


For I have to say thank you... that meant a lot what you said and I took it to heart. Second, totally awesome picture... that's right, show it off!! Proud of you... and today the gym, tomorrow the world... ostomystrong