Frequent Leaks with My New Bladder Bag

Feb 03, 2025 2:57 pm

So, I had my surgery (bladder removal) in 2023 and up to about 6 months ago, things were okay. Now it seems that I have a leak every couple of days. In fact, I changed my bag this morning at 0130 and at 0530 it was leaking, and I had to replace it again. I was, at one time, getting 4 days out of a bag; now, I get from a few hours to 1.5 days before it needs to be changed. I spoke to the manufacturer of the bags, the distributor, and tried different products to have them last longer, but to no avail. Has anyone any idea what I am doing wrong or can do to correct this problem? Any help would be appreciated; I really hate having to deal with these bags like this. Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

Feb 03, 2025 7:01 pm

Hi, welcome. Sorry you got this going on.

It sucks.

But to be clear, does the bag itself leak? Like pinhole leaks?



The flange mounting area?

I'm sure you're using a one-piece.

And you're talking about a

Urostomy, correct? For the bladder?

There have been a lot of recent reports of defective bags.


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Feb 03, 2025 7:19 pm

I have a urostomy (sister to my colostomy).

What products are you using?

How are you cleaning the skin? Is it possible you've had a build-up of oils?

Is your stoma flush to skin level or below? This seems to change over time, so if it has retracted a bit, you may need a convex wafer (very common with urostomies).

Gracie Bella
Feb 03, 2025 8:39 pm
Reply to SusanT

The other thing it could also be, Susan, as I had a urostomy bag for a very short time, is weight loss. With my own ileostomy, it is ridiculous how much my abdomen has become like a loose ball of muscle, and I needed an even more convex bag. I don't know if that would be the case if you have one, as it is just far too long ago to remember...

Gracie Bella
Feb 03, 2025 8:41 pm

Hi fellow ostomate,

Have you spoken to your ostomy nurse? I have an awesome one, and she comes up with solutions I hadn't even thought of.


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Gracie Bella
Feb 03, 2025 8:50 pm
Reply to warrior

Funny how you mention defective bags, as a while ago when I was still using my ConvaTec bags, I noticed that the area around the plug would start leaking, and I had to send the entire same batch of bags back to the hospital, so they could be returned to ConvaTec.
I really have to say how much I prefer my new bags.

These are the old

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My old bags

Feb 04, 2025 4:12 am

Hi Davis - I've had a urostomy for 15 years and can appreciate where you are coming from. First, make sure you measure your stoma regularly as the slightest change can cause leaks. Second, I've had some good results lately with Coloplast SenSura one piece. Changes have moved from 3-4 days to 5-6 and could probably go a week if needed. Third, try a piece of tape across the top of the pouch to mitigate the downward pull. Best, Bryce 

Feb 04, 2025 3:32 pm
Reply to warrior

Thank you for your response to my question.

It leaks at the flange and not always at the same place. Sometimes it is at the bottom and other times at the sides. It is one piece and yes, a urostomy... bladder removed. Went through 3 bags yesterday from 3:00 AM to 7:00 PM. This is getting pretty frustrating. Terry

Feb 04, 2025 3:37 pm
Reply to SusanT

Thank you for your response.

I am using Hollister one piece bag.  I take the bag off when I shower so that I can clean well.   I also use alcohol to go over the area to make sure it is clean and clear of anything that may stick.  My stoma protrudes just a time bit above the skin so I use a convex bag.  I have tried the wax rings but that didn't seem to help.  Thank you again Susan.  Terry

Feb 04, 2025 3:39 pm
Reply to Gracie Bella

Hi Gracie

I do not have an ostomy nurse, don't even know how to find one.  Thank you for your response.  Terry

Feb 04, 2025 3:44 pm
Reply to Bryce

Hey Bryce

The bag you spoke of sounds like a really good product. I will look into these bags and if available through Byrom, I will give them a try. Thank you very much. Terry

Feb 04, 2025 4:49 pm

Hey Terry, you mentioned using alcohol on the area after showering? To clean it.

I have an ileo, and I believe a stoma is a stoma regardless.

Generic, I suppose. Never would I suggest alcohol in that area. Has someone advised you to do so? This will cause issues, man. Air drying is possible and is the best natural way, and perhaps dabbing the area with a warm soft washcloth.

This has been suggested by folks here many times.

People think lotions or moisturizers will help. Nope. Dry skin contact works.

I'm sorry, I don't know how well-behaved a uro stoma is, but as an ileo now for several years, I'm blessed with a calm one, while others can knock out a traffic light.

If you do have a calm stoma, there's nothing wrong with being naked while that skin self-heals.

Adhesion may be your issue. Also, still new to this, your body changes. How are your eating habits? Gained some weight?

My flange leaks, or rather used to leak at the same locations as yours.

I replaced the Brava O-ring with a CeraRing. That sucker is gold, man. It's a good seal where I get a week's worth of time out of the appliance. No leakage, but after a week it gets uncomfortable. The outer perimeter begins to peel off.


Have you tried a CeraRing?

I'm sold on it.

Feb 04, 2025 6:22 pm
Reply to davisterry5

I second the suggestion of a coloplast sensura mio. They have a light convex and a deep convex. I am using the deep convex which is the most convexity I've found. 

Warrior's suggestion of a different ring is a good idea. Not sure about the leaving it naked part... my urostomy never stops. 

I am using a bonding cement to help hold down my flange. I'm getting 7 days wear with it. May be worth a try. Apply to the back of your flange.


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