Best Foods for Colostomy Patients to Eat Before Flying

Jun 27, 2010 7:03 pm
Hi Everyone, me and my husband are going on holiday on saturday, our last flight was very embarassing, my hubby had a full english breakfast before the flight and all the way home the smell was really bad, a lot of the passengers was complaining thinking the smell was coming from the toilet ( thank god we sat near the front) I thopught I would make some sandwiches to take with us, but not sure what to put in the sandwich that won't give my husband bad wind.

Thanks in advance

Past Member
Jun 27, 2010 7:15 pm
I would guess that was the egg and beans. Lol.

Try and eat something that is low in protein.

Tim x
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Jun 28, 2010 10:20 am
I just googles all the foods that are low in protein, and there don't seem to be anything suitable for a sandwich

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Jun 28, 2010 4:59 pm
peanut butter sandwiches are best for me to travel with it doesnt make me have to dump for couple hours i even east them b4 bed so i am not so active at night
Past Member
Jun 28, 2010 5:17 pm
Here is a few ideas:

Peanut butter.





If you think about it, a full breakfast includes, bacon, sausages, beans and eggs and all together that is at least 70g of protein. And the body can't store protein so all the waste of protein will just go right through the body.

Tim x

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Jun 30, 2010 1:12 am
Yes, eggs are just about the worst smelling!  I agree with the peanut butter, banana, rice or tapioca puddings (unless you are lactose intolerant).  White bread toast or a bagel and peanut butter would be my choices for air travel (or Nutella if you can't stand peanut butter).  Also, taking 2 Beano tablets before any good-sized meal or gassy foods really helps me.  I even had sauerkraut yesterday (for the first time in 8 years) and with the Beano beforehand I was OK!  

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