Managing Bowel Movements After a Colostomy

Jul 23, 2010 2:49 am
I had a colostomy in March of this year and am still trying to get used to it.   I have been having small bowel movements rectally.  At the beginning they said it was normal, as the instestine was healing and once in awhile stool would be released into the rectum.  It is still going on and some days it is actally quite a least I think it is.  It doesn't happen everyday, but it happens at least once or twice a week and some days more than once.  Have any of you experienced this?  If so, do you know if it is normal and how long it will continue?
Jul 23, 2010 3:56 am
I did not know that was possible. Did you have a reversible colostomy? I had a permanent one so no rectum any more. I will be looking for someone to answer your question.  Very interesting. Hope all is going well otherwise.
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  38,673 members
Jul 23, 2010 8:48 am
Hi there - yes it is possible!

I have a loop ileostomy and often have bowel movements and have had for about 6 years now.

Problem is, I also have been constipated in my colon beyond my stoma for months on end which doesn't make you feel particularly good - but since I had a 'clear out' in April by putting a glycerine suppository down the loop end of the stoma, I have bowel movements regularly now as have upped my fibre big time and seem to be able to tolerate it okay. My other problem is that it also comes out of my fistula at the same time .... ho hum, ugh!


Past Member
Jul 23, 2010 2:41 pm

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Rach, I am sorry you are still having to go through so much suffering, you seem to handle it better than most.  I am not sure anymore how strong I could be in that situation.  Anyway I also wanted to thank you for trying to help not let me get anymore upset.  I do get hurt when people start rumors and they know nothing about me.  I love my boys and I love my black one as much as my white one and the funny thing is that you dont see color, you see kindness and love.  I also dont like anyone pushing me up against a wall on my own politacle beliefs, if people knew that what they said to other people on chat to hurt someone they dont know, then that other person pushes them up agains a wall, that is cruel and that is nothing I want to be a part of.  I vomited so much yesterday that I thought I was going to be in a Hospital and my friend Jo Jo did finally get out of the hospital.  But my head hurt so much that I cant hardly remember what she said.  I just want you to know that I have no hard feeling for you and only kind thoughs and you are always here when someone needs advise.  Thank You for all the good things you do to help us and also thank you for not making fun of how we live our lives or how we believe.  I want to keep my Freedoms in the US and I will fight tooth and nail for that right.  God Bless You and take care of you and I promise if I could take your pain for awile I would, but right now I dont know how much more of my own I can handle.  See ya, Jenny
Jul 23, 2010 11:00 pm
Hi Grammy - I still have a small portion of my rectum, but since this permanent colostomy the only thing coming out of it is mucus and sometimes some bleeding.  I would be concerned that true BM coming through might indicate a leakage.  Better check with your surgeon.  

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elli bean
Jul 28, 2010 10:02 pm
I have a transverse loop colostomy (due to large abscess, ruptures and very persistent pseudoobstruction) since the end of April now, and I have had a couple bowel movements since then from my rectum. One of them I know was not residual because it contained some undigested food of a sort that I did not eat before having this colostomy. I told my colorectal surgeon, he asked if it was frequent and I told him it was not, along with what I mentioned about the undigested food, and he just made a note, smiled and said "Welp, better call Ripley's." Really was not sure what to make of that. On one hand I could see he was not concerned but it didn't explain anything to me, and as I was a bit taken aback and he had more questions on his list I didn't pursue it. Now I just have occasional blood (had that before in huge amounts, without any hemorrhoids) now I do have hemorrhoids aplenty (I'm 8 and a half months pregnant ATM), and a lot of very thin, greenish yellow foul smelling mucus (so gross, I know) that disappeared for a while and came back, doctor said that is from abscess draining (3 months seems to me like a long time for an abscess to drain esp. after they have done a lavage, and it stopped and started again...confused). But I cannot see how it can be normal or even possible for rectal BMs to happen unless a fistula forms, connecting the proximal to the distal section of bowel...which I take would not be good at all given that there are reasons the distal section is being rested/not used.