Back Home After Hospital Readmission: My Ongoing Recovery Journey

Maryland Gal
Aug 27, 2010 5:54 pm
Hi all,  Even though it seems I do not get many responses, I still am trying to stay in contact.  After coming home from my last surgery, conversion of Ostomy to Ileostomy, I went back in the hospital a week later with severe dehydration, vomiting, blood pressure problems and just being very sick.  I was in and had test to determine if it was a blockage because my ileostomy was not putting hardly anything out. A few days before I was discharged, they finally realized I had Pancreatitis.  I had started on soft foods, but now can not have anything but sips of water and ice chips.  I see my surgeon next Thursday.  I hope to get down off the TPN. I have lost weight and they are trying to keep me hydrated with extra fluids and calories in the TPN.  

I see several people are just out of surgery and some going to have surgery.  If there is anyone that has CES and has a colostomy or ileostomy and wants to talk just let me know. This is the whole reason I have the bag.  

I am on the road to recovery and pray I stay healthy and am able to start eating again soon.

Thanks to those who have responded and are thinking of me.  

Maryland Gal
Aug 27, 2010 9:30 pm
speedy recovery sister
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Aug 27, 2010 11:52 pm
God speed for a quick recovery...will keep you in my prayers!
Aug 28, 2010 2:42 am
good luck and best wishes mate  

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Aug 28, 2010 2:49 am
You will be in my prayers. Hope you have a speedy recovory.

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Aug 28, 2010 2:55 am
Hi Maryland Gal - I am thinking about you and sending good vibes your way.  It's scary to be in and out of the hospital and (I would imagine) to have to get used to a whole new pouching system.  What is CES?     Best wishes, Pam  

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Aug 28, 2010 8:24 am
Glad to have you back with us
Aug 30, 2010 4:40 pm
Wishing you a speedy recovery ... let us know how you're doing and we'll try to be better about responding

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Aug 30, 2010 6:52 pm
Hi, I've been in and out this weekend too ... so right there with you, not nice, I hate it  .... hope you are feeling better now,

Take care

Rach xx
Aug 30, 2010 7:02 pm
Hi Maryland Girl,

I am glad to hear that you are home again from the hospital.

I had my ileostomy 3 years ago after 7 years of ulcerative colitis. I spent 5 weeks in the hospital because thay gave me a medication that reacted badly with other medication I was taking and caused me to get extremely ill. After that I contracted Mirsabecause someone did not wash their hands before touching my incision.

I am certain that my experiencewas not as bad as yours, but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.

The one big advantage that you have is that you have a loving and supportive husband and family. I can tell you from experience that that kind of love and support means everything and helps to keep you going in the right direction.

My wife and children supported me tremendously.

I am certain that you are hurting now, but it will get better with time and love.

I was 73 years old when I got my ileostomy and although I did not think so after my surgery, my qualty of life has improved greatly.

I am now 76 and looking forward to many more great years with my loved ones.

I wish you the best and hope that your health improves quickly.

God Bless!
Maryland Gal
Aug 31, 2010 2:26 am
This condition is where you have compressed nerves/nerve below or at the L5 S1 area or what is called the Cauda Equine Nerves. ( Horses Tail )  that is not decompressed and therefore because these nerves control your bladder/large bowel, rectum, legs, you can loose control of some or all of these areas.  I lost all bladder and large bowel control, do not have feeling in my saddle area and have issues with my lower back still and my left leg gives out on me.  Some loose all use of their legs.  This was all causes because of back surgery, but can also be caused by back injury not taken care of in time. This is why I had to have my original colostomy and now my ilieostomy.  I have been cathing for the past two plus years now also.  It also effects many others areas, if you know what I mean.

If you know any one with any of these symptoms, let them know to look up CES.

Maryland Gal
Aug 31, 2010 4:45 am
Hi Maryland - yes, I looked it up and read about it.  I'm sorry you have had such a terrible time of it.  I'm losing bladder control now due to nerve problems, but am working with a great urologist in SD who thinks he can help.  My worst nightmare would be to have both a colostomy and urostomy, but I know several people on this site do and cope OK.  

Hope you are feeling better!       

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Aug 31, 2010 5:15 am
Sounds like both Maryland and lottagelady have been in the wars i have been out for 5 weeks crossed fingers 3 hernia repairs later,got stomach bug but trying to stay home any one got indeeds for food going through to fast i have only found this site a couple of months ago.Had an illeostomy since November last year getting used to it some days are better then others enjoy reading other people comments gives you some good ideas