Experiences with Open Mesh Hernia Repair?

Dec 26, 2010 4:37 pm

Hi. Has anyone had surgery to their hernia which involved them putting the mesh in and then allowing it to close itself as tissue grows over it??

I believe this is one technique they use .... How long does it take and is it as successful as closure when in surgery?

Rach xx

Dec 26, 2010 6:18 pm
Hello Rach, I do not know the answer..yet! But I have been researching the mesh surgery as I will face this surgery at some point. I thought I would pass along my latest find on the subject, if you have not heard of it already.
Biomerix Ventral Hernia repair mesh is a new mesh they are trying to get approved through our FDA here in the states and they are tough cookies in approving anything..lol.
I guess the mesh is different on one side, designed to promote tissue ingrowth, and a resorbable protective film on the other side, designed to minimize tissue attachment to the device in case of direct contact with the viscera. Now if you can translate that all into layman's terms, you are gonna need to tell me..hahaha.
I get the gist of it and see there are high failure rates with the ones used today. So I will wait to see how this new one does past the clinical trials they have already done with this mesh.
It is so hard to think of going under the knife again, but I know the hernia only gets worse over time...and since I am the A type person...yes kinda anal.. I always do a ton of prep work to calm my spinning head with fear!
By the way, I like reading your posts and comments...you have a lot of compassion for people and I admire this.
Take care.
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Dec 26, 2010 7:13 pm

Hello Rach, I had hernia surgery using mesh on August 10. After a month, several seromas developed and the surgeon made a couple of cuts into the abdomen to drain them. Pockets of infection occur in areas where the body does not accept the mesh or there is some type of irritation which inhibits healing. Looking at one of the cuts in the mirror, I could see the mesh. It was white and had no indication of tissue growth and attachment. The infection seems to be getting better so everything can heal over. However, this is the second time the repair has been tried. The surgeon seems to have no idea what to do except try the surgery again(!?), so he is taking a wait and see approach with his fingers crossed. If the infection abates and the wounds heal, I will be much better than before the surgery and will go back to a normal life. Ha!! Who am I kidding....I forgot, I still have the bag.

Dec 26, 2010 7:58 pm

Hello Rach, I was reading your post. I have had 26 hernias and surgeries. I had surgery last Feb. 16 of this year. I'm having surgery on Feb. 8, 2011 for 2 more hernias. The last surgery I had, I had 7 meshes taken out because they were deceased. It also took out 11 in. of my colon that got deceased from the mesh. Now they said they used pig skin in me that is supposed to never deceased and should never have any trouble. Well, I will let you know how well it goes after the 8th of Feb, and I hope this time it works for this will be my 36th surgery. I don't need any more. I have even had hernias in my back. One of my doctors said he never heard of that before. Well, I guess anything is possible. Take care. I also like your post you put on the site. Take care and have a blessed new year. Sherrybear.

Dec 26, 2010 11:37 pm
Awww, thank you Karen!

Yes, I sort of 'get' the general idea too - I think it sounds like the original mesh maybe has adhesion problems which they are trying to alleviate?

I do need this surgery - but I am really not wanting to go through with it ... I will also have to have either a reversal or a permanent stoma done at the same time, and I really don't know what to do ....

Decisions, decisions .....

Rach xx

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Dec 26, 2010 11:47 pm
Oh wow - Badancer, so you have had an open wound on your abdomen for 4 months - which presumably needs specialist dressings daily?? Was your stoma resited at the same time? If so, was that left open or closed too?

As for you, Sherrybear, 36 hernias??? Good Lord, I can barely stand with the one! And in your back - how on earth can that happen? Looks like the mesh surgery ain't so brilliant after all with 7 revisions ..... I wish you the very best of luck with the next one, my dear - horrendous .... thought I was doing well with 21 anaesthetics over the last few years, but you are certainly well in front of me! Are you able to work at all or has this just been too much like it has been for me?

Hoping you both had a lovely Christmas ...?
Rach xxxxx
Traveling Lady
Dec 27, 2010 12:06 am

Hello Rach, permanent vs reversal?

Past Member
Dec 27, 2010 3:46 am

Yup. I have. I have had most of the mesh removed. They couldn't get it all out and now I suffer from adhesions and will forever. I have had the mesh replaced with cadaver tissue but that ripped to shreds when I had a biking accident. So they have to go in again.
I'm just gonna wait to do with my revision next year.
Gosh we all do suffer about the same things and then some! xo

Dec 27, 2010 4:24 am

When I had the operation to bring Sally Stoma into my life, the surgeon said they used pig skin on me to reinforce it. He said they didn't know if it works or not. I think I will refer to it as hog's hide from now on as that has a more manly ring to it. So far, I've been lucky as I wear a hernia belt daily and haven't had any problems. I've been avoiding working out and manual labor though after reading about all the hernias ostomates have. I read somewhere it isn't if... it is when you get a hernia.
Good luck, Mike.

Dec 27, 2010 10:37 am

Oh gosh long story, I suppose what I need to do is finish my blog!

I will try and do in bullet points -

2004, had an ileostomy formed in order to divert stool awawy from a healing fistula 2010, after 10 attempts, it looks so far as though the repair has been successful because I have had my pelvic floor rippred to shreds 10 times and had my anus rebuilt at least 3 times that I know of - I am now no longer sure if it will be effective my colon is currently impacted with faeces and has been for months where my loop ileo has been malfunctionning - I am concerned that after 6 years it is no longer 'patent' as nothing is moving down there when I had my ileostomy - I was quite fit and healthy - just had an inconvenient hole where there shouldn't have one causing me to be incontinent when the ieo malfunctionned - now 6 years later after 20 anaesthetics etc I am now diabetic, have sleep apnoea, fibromyalgia, pernicious anaemia, osteoarthritis and a degenerative spine where I have several tears and bulges and nerve roots are being compromised (all due to a huge parastomal hernia) and some changes in my brain - not sure what that means but nothing dodgy as yet apparently! (but half the time I cannot remember what I have had for breakfast or if I have taken my multitude of medication - and if it isn't written on my computer, it doesn't happen!)

So ............ with fibromyalgia comes IBS, sometimes with diabetes you can get diabetic diarrhoea now I would far rather have a leak with my bag than have to run to find a toilet and find that I cannot hold on to it and have an accident - that to me would be far far worse than the bag coming off - a dignity thing.....

I suppose for me its the opposite of where most of you have come from who now have the pouch and have spent years running to the loo several times a day .... and have found having a pouch much easier to handle ...... what you guys have been through with UC etc I am trying to avoid ....

So when they go in to repair the hernia, they will either reverse the ileo or give me a permanent stoma .... I really want this to be my last surgery, I have had enough, my body has had enough so just want to take the right route. I don't really want the surgery at all, BUT - if I don't, I will probably end up in an emergency situation where I will be operated on by some general surgeon in Swindon, whereas if I have it done electively, it will be with the best surgeons in London ..... I am terrified this time, none of it has bothered me particularly before, but this one is a biggie and its scaring the life outta me! The thought of them leaving me with open wounds on my abdomen is awful too, which was why I was asking about the mesh surgery ....

So any thoughts on that would be really appreciated, just be devils advocate for me - hope it makes sense??
Rach xxxxxx

Dec 27, 2010 10:40 am

When I had the operation to bring Sally Stoma into my life, the surgeon said they used pig skin on me to reinforce it. He said they didn't know if it works or not. I think I will refer to it as hog's hide from now on as that has a more manly ring to it.

That was funny! Maybe they can make me a silk purse out of a sow's ear?

Dec 27, 2010 8:15 pm

Yes, I've had hernia repair surgery and then about 11 months later the doc had to go in again and remove the mesh. The mesh had become infected with MRSA and VRE! I spent a week in the hospital and then another four weeks in an acute care hospital getting intravenous antibiotics.... the only way Medicare would pay for the extraordinary costs of the drugs!

I have been home since November and now have a C-diff infection as well as numerous bladder infections. I feel like a walking germ. I also have nausea nearly continuously and have lost gobs of weight.

In spite of the "problems," I say thank you, God, each and every day for the gift of being alive.

Good luck.


Dec 27, 2010 10:44 pm

Oh Baglady, you have had a shit time - pardon the pun..... I think your tale is why I am being totally put off the idea.... However, I too feel nauseous most of the time nowadays, but I am unsure at the moment whether that is my abdomen playing up or a drug reaction - seem to get a sort of migraine headache with it too when it is at its worst...

Hope to God you begin to feel a lot better very soon - when I had my previous fistula repairs, I went through various infections and wound breakdowns - but never all at once like that. I am so sorry that is happening...

Rach xxx

Dec 28, 2010 6:23 am

Sorry, I don't know anybody, but I left my hernia for too long. Even though I did show doctors and they said it was okay, one morning I woke up being sick twice with severe pain in my hernia and ileostomy. I went to the hospital and they found two twists which caused two holes in the bowel. After a few surgeries and 14 weeks in the hospital, I will have more surgery next year. I am just saying, any changes or pain around the hernia, go and find help. Don't leave it.
Thanks, Poppie

Dec 28, 2010 7:41 am
Hey Rach, I had my stoma re-sited. Did I spell that right? They left a big hole on the right-hand side, but no infection. I got it dressed. No problem, freaky though. I work at our Assoc. Every second person who decides to pick up supplies has a hernia (I thought only the elderly got them). Ahhhh, now I have two. Now I know why on the right-hand side feels like someone is trying to pull my veins out. Glad I found out and have one on the other side. I don't want surgery, but you are in a predicament. I got reversed three times, have to say run to the toilet. Crohn's just wanted to stay pric... so very hard situations. Could they keep the stoma somehow and you use bowel stoma waiting JUST IN CASE? Shit, I should be working for the OSTO researchers. Hehe, I have asked the craziest stuff to get out of having a stoma, but have to embrace Cheza. Not her fault she's out of the belly. I haven't heard any good stories about hernias, sorry luv..............Mare. And yes, I muck up my medication as well. I just drop to the floor or headbutt my laptop. Not good heheh. All these tablets we need to live. Hope all goes well, Rach. x
Dec 28, 2010 7:42 am

Yep, I had the mesh repair for my hernia. I was back there 3 weeks later. They had to put me under, cut around the stoma, and fix the hernia with part of my skin. I have had no trouble for 5 months.

Dec 28, 2010 11:43 pm


I really don't know the first thing about hernias, peristomal hernias, or hernia repair surgery. I just wanted to put in my two cents and let you know that I am thinking about you and hoping you get all the info you need before deciding on a course of action.

Keep us posted!

C Cogan
Jan 03, 2011 1:36 pm

Hello both L and B ladies: My thought is that if you have to undergo another surgery to correct a hernia and can have a reversal, why not try the "hookup" if it is possible. I have had C-Diff twice and this is what makes me hesitate about further surgery. But may have it, nevertheless. C Cogan

Past Member
Jan 10, 2011 7:56 pm

Having a hernia now the size of a melon, around and to the side of my urostomy, I read this thread in the hope of 100% successes before my appointment with the surgeon in two days' time, when I expect him to suggest (recommend?) surgery.

Since I have no pain, but the bulge is just very unsightly, I think I may decline his kind offer until it becomes absolutely necessary.

I shall keep watching this space to see how all you brave people get on.

Jan 11, 2011 12:04 pm
Just a thought, Majic - and one which I am holding as the main reason to go through with this horrific op, is that if I need to have it done in an emergency due to it strangulating or something - then I would be operated on by a general surgeon in my local hospital who has no real expertise in that area and could leave me in more of a mess than I already am..... However, if I have it done electively, then I will get the top guns from a London Teaching Hospital who are experts in this area and have more of an interest in doing me right!
Rach xx
Jan 29, 2011 9:32 pm

Hi, I have had one hernia operation and had a plastic mesh fitted as they felt that the 'natural' one (pig or something I think :S). I took everything so easy, gradually easing myself back into exercise etc, but a week after my 6-8 week follow-up appointment with my surgeon, I developed a second hernia. Maybe this is just me and other people's hernia surgery went better but yeah. Good luck on your surgery xxx.

Feb 11, 2011 11:22 pm
Hey Rach, I don't know if you have seen this site. Food for thought.


Sep 01, 2011 2:16 am

Bluezz, thanks for your input regarding the mesh. I had an infection develop behind the mesh inserted in Dec. 2010. The doctor found E. coli, so they removed the suspicious-looking part of the colon - a section with many ragged diverticuli - and did an ostomy. I still wonder if the mesh might have caused abrasion of the colon, as the colon at that site (not the same as the part of the colon removal) was a big mess. I am really anxious about having the reversal and stoma hernia repair, in which they will want to use mesh again. Any additional info you have on the mesh would be appreciated.

Sep 03, 2011 4:15 pm
I had an inguinal hernia repair done about 2 months ago, a mesh job, and whereas it seems to be healing OK, it seems to have transferred abdominal pressure onto the old scar tissue where I used to have my backside, i.e. in my Ken/Barbie Butt.

It itches and pulls, and feels either sore, cold, itchy all day as I get abdominal pressure on it.

Can't help thinking I either have some internal swelling behind the mesh, or the strength of the mesh has transferred abdominal pressure there. Or when they stuffed my (big) inguinal hernia back in, it is putting pressure there. It all started two weeks after the (routine) groin hernia op, which was done as a day case. Either that or I am getting an incisional hernia there, even 12 years after having the original ileostomy surgery. Which will take some fixing, I'm sure.

Will find out next week when I go back to my original colorectal surgeon.

Hernia ops with mesh are not as reliable as they make out, I think!