Stoma Changes from Outie to Innie: Seeking Advice

Jan 30, 2011 8:59 pm
Hi all,

I've been a member for some time and now I have a question.  I'm hoping others can shed some light if it's happened to them.  I have a colostomy due to colorectal cancer.  I am 4 yrs ned now.  In my 4 years of learning how to deal with my stoma, I also had a hernia and a prolapse.  Stoma that come out is called an outie and stoma that is in is called an innie.  For the past 4 yrs. mine has been an outie (and its really out) but lately it's been going in, all the way in that it feels as if it's being sucked in and the surrounding area bulges out.  After awhile it goes back to normal-outie.  Since last night my stoma decided to just stay in and be an innie. It's very uncomfortable, some pain and causes leaks. Has this happened to anyone else, where once your stoma was an outie and now it's an innie or vice-a-verse?  I will be getting in touch with my ET nurse and see what she says.  In the mean time I'm hoping others can shed some light.


Jan 30, 2011 11:41 pm
Hi Winnie

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  Well, I'm really glad you are planning to talk to your ET nurse about this, I would also speak with your surgeon.

I don't have a colostomy, but I have an ileostomy for 34 years ....though it doesn't seem to make much difference when it comes to many of the shared problems many of us have.  

There is often times some fluctuation with stoma's retracting , then popping out a bit farther, stomas can move a bit now and again, changing shape and size and such....normal....BUT, sounds like yours is doing more than I personally think should be expected, but hopefully if someone else has had this happen they will post their response too.

  I recall learning from one of my doctors and one of my Marshfield surgeons that this can happen however due to many causes, everything from hernias to pregnancy and more....even after eating certain heavy meals can cause things to 'bulk-up"  and cause bulges while makig it's way through the digestive track, especially noticable if a reasonable sized hernia is in the equasion, then once the food has passed bulges retract and stoma pops back out of the belly a bit farther, ...sometimes in reverse......but since you mention there is pain, I am glad you are checking it out, and I do still hope you mention it to your surgeon, just in case.

I am sure all will be well dear, but you should not be uncomfortable like this, ....please do let us know what you find out and how you are doing

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Jan 31, 2011 3:04 am
Hi Winnie, I am 8 months out from my colostomy and a few months ago my stoma also was retracting below the base ring. Sometimes there is some pain and a pulling feeling around the stoma. Then I will look at it again and it is back out. The hernia I have bulges on one side as this is happening also. For the leaking problem I just use extra tape on the flatter side and it has worked well even at night no leaks! I have never asked why it does this because it has never, not come back out. Plus it was the least of my issues in dealing with all the changes this surgery has brought me. I agree with Doe, if this is worring you, you should call the nurse and then please let us know, now you have me very curious if it is a problem outside the norm.

Take good care~~~
Feb 01, 2011 9:28 pm
Hi Winnie

I am sorry you are having problems with a retracted stoma i know what you are going through , I also have a retracted stoma and it has been like it for a few years now.

I have had many procedures  done to try to make it stay out but none of these have worked .

I am now waiting to have a new stoma made a bit bigger  and hopefully this will work.

I hope you  will get yourself sorted and no more leaks keep us posted


Feb 11, 2011 4:24 pm
Going from an outie to an innie happened to me also and in my case the solution was surgery again to pull it out and secure the stoma. I am not sure what caused it but my surgeon acted like it was no big deal to correct and that it was not an uncommon happening. The surgery itself was not painful and worked out just fine. The leakage slowed down because the bag fit better after surgery. I pray that you got some relief from your doctor about this problem, I fully understand and wish the best for you.


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