Adjusting to a New City with Hollister One-Piece Challenges

Aug 13, 2011 2:26 am

Been changing too often; 3 days with burning sensations around - homecare nurse says doing everything right, maybe the product! But I like Hollister because of the roll/lock...may need to try a smaller size flange...using 2 1/2" down to 2" - my tummy has a large hernia due to surgeries, under ostomy, so it curves like and found the one-piece great and flexible.

Have relocated in the city, so been trying to get new homecare nurses, left two messages. Basement suite; no stairs!! Easy to manage despite the odd spider!!

Taking time to adjust; cook, single sink instead of double. New Telus TV channels, home phone went out this morning, had backup in sink from upstairs draining; got maintenance today!! Waiting for Telus!! As long as I have TV, PC, and cat!! :)

Aug 14, 2011 2:57 am

Hi there, Lynsie. I just read your blog and I'm new to the site. I just became a member tonight. I hope that I can help give you some relief with your constant changing of wafers, for I have been there, done that. I too had a homecare nurse who was great! When my wafers would lift and I would feel that burning, I didn't realize at the time that it meant change. Of course, this led to a huge problem under the wafer, and even though I tried the crusting, I still couldn't get the darn wafers to hold long enough to keep the skin under the wafer clean. I spent months looking for answers and finally came across a product that may just help you as well.

The product is called Skin Tac and is made by Torbot. It comes in a clear bottle and is gold in color. I call it my liquid gold because it truly has become a lifesaver to my wafer issues. I found out that my body has a chemical imbalance that, for some reason, makes me a really warm-bodied person, which in turn makes me sweat a lot, and that is what causes my wafers to lift. The moisture from my skin gets up under the wafer and causes the glue to break down and hence, the burning. Since the Skin Tac though, it's made for moist environments and believe me when I tell you, it has helped me!

Try and find this product if you can through your supplier. offers it, and it's a 4-ounce bottle that will go a LONG way.

If you try it, let me know how it goes!

One more thing my nurse told me that may be of help to you is to NOT put the powders on the skin. I can tell you step-by-step instructions on what to do with putting on your wafers in hopes to help you achieve a better hold. When I first had my ileostomy in December of 2010, I didn't think I was ever going to hold a wafer on for more than a few hours. Today, I have my wafers hold for up to 10! Yes, it's true!!! SKIN TAC is the main key. Make sure to continuously wipe the stoma and keep it as dry as possible while applying your appliances. The slightest moisture will allow the stool to take the path of least resistance. The excretion from the stoma could be getting under the appliance without you realizing that as well.

Hope all goes well.


PS: Hollister is the best appliance out there as far as molding around the extension of the hernia. I'm a large woman and have the hernia extension behind my ostomy as well. I find Hollister to be the best to contour around the stoma and adhere to the rounding of the area. I've tried them all, and Hollister also has a feel like no other appliance. For the most part, I don't even know it's there. The only difference is, I'm on a two-piece.

If I can be of assistance to you, please feel free to message me.

God bless!

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Aug 14, 2011 7:14 am

Tomsha, what a lovely person to help out... I'm a Coloplast person myself but loved your answer, Mooza... Never had sweaty problems, but wonderful answer. You should get a job for the Hollister magazine here in Australia, lol. Great... xxx

Aug 15, 2011 9:41 pm

I also am a Coloplast person and agree that the Skin Tac by Torbot is the best; only I use their barrier wipes packets. They also have a new product called Stoma Care Aloe Wipes, and they are wonderful to put on your skin around the stoma after a shower and before you put on the Skin Tac. This has kept the skin around my stoma like a baby's butt! Hope it works for you.

ron in mich
Oct 22, 2018 2:13 pm

Hi Nofun, maybe try changing at a different time of day. I do mine first thing in the morning after I shower, and my ileo hardly has any output.


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
