Having Surgery in July

Mar 28, 2013 7:35 pm

I'm having surgery in July after 2 long years of having an ileostomy. I am a little scared about this reversal surgery, but the doctor said I have to have it done now or I will have problems with it later on. Has anyone had a reversal done and was it successful? Also, what are some of the problems encountered with a reversal? Thanks, any info or input will be mostly welcomed.


Mar 29, 2013 12:23 am

Hi Cheryle,
How come you are having a reversal after only 2 years? I have had my ileostomy for 13 years after very painful fistulas from Crohn's disease, and was never told I would need a reversal.

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Apr 08, 2013 5:04 pm

My doctor said I'd be entering the hospital a lot with this because it's closing. I had a small bowel blockage about 2 years ago and they had to give me an ileostomy, but I was supposed to have a reversal within a year. However, I had other illnesses that had to be dealt with first.

May 09, 2013 1:29 am

Maybe a second opinion would be appropriate. I was advised to wait five years and I'm glad I did. I had problems at just over five and had I had the J-pouch, there would have been a risk of much more complication. I don't know where you are, but one of the best surgeons is in the Ft. Worth area, Burleson.