I know that a lot of folks with ostomies can't have popcorn (for various reasons), and neither could I for a long time, but then I found a place local to me with outstanding gourmet popcorn. It's high-end, but not overpriced...they do everything from plain to caramel to nacho cheese to wasabi to various chocolate-covered (yes, really!) varieties. It's a very thin hull and the popcorn itself practically melts in your mouth.
This isn't an ad for them (really...I get nothing out of it), but more informative. I think they will ship (at least inside the US- it is food, after all), so you can get it even if you aren't local to Syracuse. They're called the Kandied Kernal. Check it out if you get the chance and are so inclined...might just be what you've been missing!

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Resuming your personal and work life after ostomy surgery can be challenging to adjust to a new life.
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