I had an ostomy reversal about one year ago and then I turned around and had a hernia repair with mesh. My situation is that the hernia reappeared once more and has now come through the mesh. I went to see a new surgeon and he told me that he "did not want to take care of someone else's mess." Such a terrible thing for a surgeon to say to a patient. He had no compassion. My original surgeon does not want to do the repair because he feels that the tissue wall is damaged and by doing another hernia repair the wall will not be strong enough to hold it in place. I am at a point where I feel I should have never done the ostomy reversal because it never gave me a problem. Today, my left side is bigger than my right pelvic area. I hope to find a new surgeon who will be willing to do the hernia repair. The good thing is that I do not have pain and my bowels are regular and I do not have colon cancer.
The reason I decided to write this tonight is to inform you and make you aware of the consequences of having an ostomy reversal and what it does to the wall of the pelvic area. In some situations, a hernia is created and it must be repaired. The reason why a hernia is created in the pelvic area is because they puncture a small hole so that the colon will do its function in removing waste. This hole, along with the ostomy appliance, is too heavy on the pelvic area which then causes a hernia. I wore my appliance for two years and now I feel I should have had the reversal sooner. I could have done this but I was scared to do the reversal.
There are so many issues with which you must challenge being an ostomate but in due time and experience you learn. This is a wonderful site with so many encouraging people and lots of good information. I was so fortunate to have found it three years ago when I was dealing with having a "bag." Today, my situation is different and I am still learning. Isn't that what life is about? Happy New Year, Ostomates!!!!

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