Lovely Holiday

Jul 05, 2015 6:41 am

Well, I'm home again after a lovely holiday.

The British weather certainly looked after us with nearly unbroken sunshine and it was hot every day. I managed to bury a few demons and swim and sunbathe on the beach. I was a bit nervous at first, but in the end, you realize that nobody really cares and you are no different from anybody else. The Comfizz waistbands with black swim shorts are great, even though when wet the bag popped out now and again, but it only added to the fun. I did watch what I was eating and took a "what goes in must come out" attitude while on the beach, but that's a small price to pay to be running and laughing around with my granddaughter on the beach. I still have another week off work and I'm looking at the back garden thinking, how am I going to attack that grass.

Thank you all again for your support during my bad time gone.

What a difference a week makes.

Jul 07, 2015 11:50 am
sounds like you had a great time.!!
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Jul 08, 2015 7:46 am

Great to hear that you had a good holiday and buried a few demons. Now that you've done it once, you will do it time and time again... well done you!!! Hope you are feeling refreshed and raring to go. Take care, Blue, and sending best wishes to Mrs. Blue.

Jul 08, 2015 9:54 am

Hi bababoo, thanks. Still not sure what's going on. They are holding off on treatment until they can work out if it's her blood with the cancer or the donor from the transplant. Should know next week. One thing is that this time around I'm in good health, so that will be a help. The Freeman is one of the top hospitals in the country for blood cancers, so it's a case of letting them do their best. Take care and hope you and yours are coping as well.

Jul 08, 2015 7:36 pm

Hi, Rosiesmom here. It sounds like you had a great holiday. It helps to stoke the fire of self-confidence. If I might ask, do you live in Newcastle? I thought with your name that perhaps you live in or around the area. I just spent some time in Durham; my sister lives in Penshaw. Good luck with the future testing and care.


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 09, 2015 5:31 pm

Hi RosiesMom, I'm RosiesGrandad, ha ha. Yes, I do live in Newcastle. Did you get to see the city of Newcastle while you were here? County Durham is very beautiful, wild at times in the winter months but always a pleasure to visit. My origins are in the south of England. Did you see any of that while you were here? My next challenge is to travel again and I will. The last holiday was a great help and I managed to stay in charge quite easily of my little friend and stay one step ahead. I was quite ill for many years with Crohn's and it's a new lease on life to be well.