2016 Regional Ostomy Conference - Dulles, VA

Apr 03, 2016 1:52 am

Hi Friends, Just a quick post to invite you to attend the Regional Ostomy Conference being held in Dulles, VA, April 29 - May 1, 2016. For additional information about the conference, registration, and hotel arrangements, please view the United Ostomy Association website at www.ostomy.org. The weekend sounds like it will be an educationally fun adventure. I have attended the previous two national conferences, and they were really great! I am looking forward to attending this one as well. I heard that the turnout will be pretty good, and the Saturday evening dinner and dancing event will be a blast. Again, for more information, please go to the www.ostomy.org website for further information. Take care everyone and have a great weekend. LadyHope

Apr 03, 2016 8:50 am
Hello LadyHope.
Thanks for the invitation, not that I would be able to attend as it's too far away, but I hope everything goes well for you all.
Best wishes
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Apr 05, 2016 4:47 am

Hi Lady Hope, so glad you posted. I'm planning on going, just have to register (tomorrow) and I look forward to meeting you and your husband. I hope others on the site will be attending also. If not, we'll be meeting the local "Va/DC" folks. I haven't registered for workshops as yet, but will do so soon.

See you soon.


Apr 05, 2016 12:33 pm
Hi Marsha, That is great news! I hear the turnout will be pretty good. I am looking forward to the conference and seeing everyone again. My next wish is hoping that the weather is cooperative....more Spring like than today...LOL. I am bringing out my winter coat....it is a cold one today. See you at the conference! Have a nice week. LH