3 Medical updates 1996 / 2011 & 2023

Oct 08, 2023 7:26 am

MEDICAL REVIEW: update and reaffirmation.
                                                    B. Withers   2023

I need my medical updated
but, things I’ve earlier stated
will still apply to me today,
so, - not much more for me to say.

Except I had a heart attack, 
which I admit, quite knocked me back,
but with a triple bypass, I
recovered, though I don’t know why.

The whole of my digestive tract
seems to be failing to react
so, many problems now appear,
that were not here this time last year.

I have an enlarged prostate so
my pee is painful and it’s slow,
yet I see positivity
as pads catch mucus and my pee.

If I was younger, there might be
much more motivating me,
but I admit, and must be blunt,
I’m not that bothered on this front.

Old age is creeping up quite fast,
so this update might be my last,
and just in case there’s an inquest,-
surprisingly, I’m not depressed.
                       (In ‘WHEXT’ (2) planned for  2025)

MEDICAL review– CODICIL. (2011)

My medics I should now update
as I’ve become an ostomate.
Now shit flows freely from my tum’
and mucus oozes from my bum.

But other things remain unchanged,
so they need not be rearranged.
I’ll share with you what I have still
and add this as a codicil.                                    
                        (In: My Colourful Rag-Tag-Bag 2012)

MEDICAL observations. (1996)

My feet will sometimes hurt and swell,
they have some ingrown nails as well.
Cold winter's wet I will avoid 
for, all my joints are rheumatoid.

Achilles tendons play up still
but they don't make me feel that ill.
It's pain from cramps that I compare
to a thousand volts and umpteen ampere

Resolving the piles predicament
left me quite incontinent.
The stricture helped to keep shit in.
but split and bled each time I'd been.

Both knees and hips are giving way
and lower back, ‑ well, what can I say.
Irritable bowel I can't abide
for that pain comes when others subside.

I often lose my sleep at night
with broken ribs both left and right.
I have to lie upon my back,
snoring, ensuring the insomniac.

When I eat I tend to bloat
and bile so vile sears to my throat.
This makes it very red and raw.
so I don't eat as much therefore.

That ulcer of mine
remains doing fine,
but the pain in my shoulder
gets worse as I'm older.

My teeth are always going wrong,
I don't suppose I'll keep them long,
and glands within my neck swell up,
which makes it rather hard to sup.

My eyes have never been quite right
and now my hearing's very slight.
My hair, though there, is somewhat symbolical,
problems with roots and the follicle.

Blood disappears from hands with ease
but this appears in Reynaud’s disease.
With bronchial blocks and weakening lung
I guess ‑ I am no longer young.

My blood is thin, my heart will miss
I even have a job to piss.
Foul farts flow free, and the baddest of breath
force friends to flee or get gassed to death.

Whilst I can THINK ‑ I'll not succumb
to these things that I've become.
But if ever I lost my INNER-drive
I would not want to stay alive.

I may meditate upon a sigh
and contemplate a life gone by,
but if I leave this frail old frame
I would not want it back again.

Do not be sad for me my friend
when I have come to mortal end,
for I'll be glad I've lived my life
with job, the dogs, the kids, the wife.

I want to make my feelings clear
in case my mind should disappear.
you should not need to ask me why.

I've got my organ donor card
and though it may well be quite hard,
when I depart, you can feel free
to use the useful parts of me.

Oh yes! --- PS:-
One other thing that may be wrong
I forgot to say my memory’s gone.

What is above forms my perspective
so is my Advance Directive. (affirmed)
                                      B. Withers 1996
                    (Adapted from:’ REFLECTIONS’ (1998)


Oct 08, 2023 10:53 am

And to the end we all must go.

Just hoping mine's after Ho Ho Ho 🤶🏻

Or caused by a good case of laughter! jb

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Oct 10, 2023 7:16 am
Reply to Justbreathe


I'd like to know my epitaph
Would somehow show I made them laugh.

(In: Laugh or Lament 2019)