Osto Roulette: My First Bagless Shower Experience

Jan 01, 2024 4:43 pm

For the first time yesterday, I decided to play Osto Roulette and have a bagless shower. I used my lovely new shower gel that I got for Christmas and had no output at all. Result! I then put on my new bag, slathered myself in my new body lotion, and put on my new loungewear... I felt great!

Feeling very pleased with myself, I started to go about my day when I suddenly felt something wet dripping down my right leg. I had only forgotten to fasten my new bag up with the Velcro, so my rather post-Christmas watery output was flowing freely down my leg and all over my new joggers. That'll learn me! 😭

Jan 01, 2024 4:49 pm

Oops. 😁

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Morning glory
Jan 01, 2024 4:51 pm

LOL, that will keep you humble. It happens...

Jan 01, 2024 5:04 pm

Ha ha yes indeed... same "shit" happened to me. Unfortunately, it occurred while standing in line at Wendy's fast food. First came the smell? Checking my shoes... then I looked around... then went to the restroom. Good God! Exit stage left...

Someone on here posted that when you get your bags, always seal them in advance... always! Then put them back in the box. Yeah, you will forget... this prevents that. Good advice. Cheers!

Jan 01, 2024 5:19 pm

It happens… especially when you time yourself to try to make bag changes more fun… and forget that one tiny detail either at the beginning or end. 😬 Hope the loungewear washes well. ☺️

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
Mysterious Mose
Jan 01, 2024 5:20 pm

To quote Alex, "Oops!"

I always close up each bag when I receive a shipment. I also crease the tails so they are easier to open. Plus, I always do an extra fold of the tail and add a binder clip to secure things. Otherwise, I can envision myself doing the same thing you describe. πŸ€“


Jan 01, 2024 5:22 pm

That's great advice @warrior!

Jan 01, 2024 5:31 pm
Reply to Mysterious Mose

I crease the hard plastic tail part too. I just simply close the bag before I put it on, no forgetting. I don't like the idea of new bags being sealed up for up to 4 weeks before I put one on. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Past Member
Jan 01, 2024 5:48 pm

Been there, done that, but Osto Roulette is a wonderful feeling. I don't care about the shower output anymore. It's the Osto New Appliance Roulette post-shower which is the hardest to navigate πŸ˜‚. Will it allow me to do my whole routine sans output? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Jan 01, 2024 5:52 pm
Reply to Anonymous

Ah, such a vision for a new year!

Jan 01, 2024 7:28 pm

Haha, I still forget at times to do the Velcro closure up. After over 30 years, we never stop learning, or in some cases, we never learn lol.

Jan 01, 2024 7:59 pm

I wouldn't do anything as stupid as that... Luckily, I didn't even make it outside the house...

Jan 01, 2024 9:07 pm

Hmm, still on topic here and for a good chuckle:

Somehow, somewhere, the use of the wording "slathered myself" has me a bit randy. 😡

Jan 01, 2024 10:12 pm
Reply to warrior

Ooooh, Matron!

Jan 02, 2024 12:58 am
Reply to Kirstickle

...as Lurch... in Addams Family...

"Uuuuhh... you rang?" πŸ˜‚

Rose Bud 🌹
Jan 02, 2024 2:00 am

It happens... one of the first times I changed to a two-piece and didn't realize I didn't snap the bag all the way down on the ring and surprise all down the front of my pants 😬

ron in mich
Jan 02, 2024 3:32 pm

Hi all, in the immortal words of Homer Simpson, that's a DOHHH.

Jan 06, 2024 5:44 pm

When you posted all slathered in lotion, I figured the wafer came loose as we are cautioned against oily products around the stoma.... I always Velcro my bag first before I place it on my washroom basin... just a habit...

Jan 06, 2024 7:42 pm
Reply to ahynes111

Yep, first thing I do too, Velcro the bag shut.

Newbie Dana
Jan 06, 2024 9:44 pm

After trying several kinds, I ended up using the sealed bags. Unsnap, clean, snap new one on, dispose of old in double-tied disposal bag, drop in trash. No muss, no fuss. Tried and tried the re-sealable kind; just couldn't handle it. Much happier now. It helps that my output is usually on the more solid side - which was the original problem with emptying the re-sealable pouches. (You know, splish splash, I'm taking a bath ...) Yuck!!!

Jan 07, 2024 3:50 pm

Join the club! That's happened to me a couple of times. πŸ˜‚

Jan 07, 2024 3:57 pm
Reply to Newbie Dana

Hi, I tried replying earlier, but it didn't go through. Obviously, I'm having some technical difficulties here, but that's New Jersey for you, and obviously, the wireless system kind of sucks...

Anyway, what you suggested is a viable option for you. I'm glad that works for you. I was just curious, when you visit a friend's house and you dump your bag in their trash can, I'm assuming you're not going to take it with you. How does that make you feel?

For me, that would be kind of an embarrassment for them actually seeing my bag when they throw the trash out. Thoughts?

Because in this case, the toilet dump would be a better option with a drainable pouch.

Just saying. I know you tie up your bag in a bag... sure... then toss it.

That song brings back memories.

Jan 08, 2024 2:32 am

I kit up about a dozen at a time, one change set per quart Ziploc bag... wafer, disposal bag, ring, adhesive remover, and bag. The bag gets the tail folded for easy disposal, and the end Velcroed shut. Then I just grab or pack how many kits I need.

Jan 09, 2024 2:27 pm
Reply to warrior

That's what I do. Before I put them in the bathroom, I prep a whole box. πŸ‘πŸ»

Jan 14, 2024 2:56 am

I always take a shower without my bag.

I've had my bag for almost 3 years now, and it's not reversible.

Winnie The Pooh
Jan 14, 2024 4:14 pm

I take a shower without the bag about half the time - it depends on timing, how Winnie (the Pooh) is behaving.

It's a nice feeling of being clean all over - and it gets the odd bits of adhesive and gives the skin some natural time before being glued up again.

Occasionally I have to do the dreaded "waffle-stomp," but that's a little secret only you and I understand! Shhhhh... :)

Feb 01, 2024 9:05 pm
Reply to Winnie The Pooh

Indeed, I can fully equate with this comment in its entirety.

I like your profile name, by the way.

Best wishes from the Middle Wales-English border.

What part of Ireland are you from?