Job Posting - Ostomy Peer Support Coach at Better Hearth

Feb 05, 2024 10:09 pm

I just wanted to share this job posting that I came across in case some people on here are interested in it…


Linked below: “Ostomy Peer Support Coach.” It's on a site called “Indeed,” and it's a posting from a company called “Better Hearth.” 






Feb 05, 2024 11:39 pm

That sounds like a cool thing for people.

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Feb 06, 2024 1:01 am

Better Hearth?? And patio?? Sounds like fun until you read it... then it sounds a bit more serious... like a real job!! Wonder if they plan to pay, or if you just work for thumbs-ups and 'likes'? Maybe they kick you some free ostomy supplies (wink, wink).


Feb 06, 2024 8:20 am

Hello JMV261.
Thank you for posting the link to this interesting opportunity.
I have briefly explored the job description and it does sound inviting.
However, with the agency 'INDEED' it is useful to be able to read reviews from people who have worked at these companies.
As is my inclination, I always start with the one-star reviews, because I am sceptical about 5stars as they can so easily be  faked. ( who would bother faking a 1star review?)
The practical job sounds great.
However, having spent most of my working life writing rhymes about poor organisation and management styles, I think I would give this one a miss, on the grounds that I have retired from all that hassle and frustration. (Mind you! I must admit that the experience of working in these sorts of systems  was marvellous motivation and material for writing my genre of rhyming verse).
Caveat emptor springs to mind.

Best wishes
