I have only begun using the SenSura Mio two-piece bag system since just before Christmas.
My old ostomy nurse ordered me the one-piece bags, having done no homework, and she ordered the wrong type! She was seriously overworked, so I had to do my own research and discovered why my bags were coming off - and I was the one who had to figure out that the deepest convex base-plate is what I needed.
BUT I hate the pre-filters in my bags - they clog up after only 4 hours, so I get a lot of ballooning. If it weren't for the fact that these bags have changed my life as I have NEVER had a leak with the extra deep base-plates, I would probably ask to try a different product.
What have your experiences been? I suspect that my problems are because I have very watery output, having only 3.5 meters of small bowel and my ileostomy.

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